Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bm Hatchet Vs Genital

Buon Anno 2011

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is Raffaello Network Reliable

and everywhere I go. . . Now

scooter usati,scooter usato,tetto gonfiabile,adiva tre ruote

protective riding a scooter as the Adiva, we tend to think of to get on and off , dressed to the least worse with climate and temperature is not just two wheels.

After years of driving Adi goes, I believe I have accumulated sufficient experience to be able to list accessories that are truly essential if you want, as the title of the post, go everywhere (and whatever the weather!).

Given the season, I shall consider the accessories and winter clothing also because with the Adiva, in summer you can really jump into the saddle and away, even though common sense would always protect his back-hands-legs, but. . . how many scooter riders do indeed ?

accessory for the winter so that I consider essential and that I would absolutely recommend it. . . the Termoscud (known popularly to cover your legs!).

scooter inverno,abbigliamento scooter inverno,abbigliamento moto,moto inverno,guanti moto,giacca moto,sciarpa moto,guanti scooter,tetto scooter,scooter antifreddo,scooter freddo,protezione freddo,protezione freddo scooter,protezione acqua moto,protezione acqua scooter,vento scooter,protezione vento scooter,antivento,antiacqua,scooter tetto,scooter pioggia,scooter vento,tetto gonfiabile,scooter tettuccio

Hoping to have exceeded the commonplace childish who despise the covers because it ruins the image of motorcycling "hard" or other such nonsense, I find the Termoscud
perfect complement to the Adiva because protects the most exposed part of the pilot , then the legs.

well as protect them from the cold with the presence in the interior (and here I recommend you pay attention to the mounting must have all the rods tensioned to the right point in order to perfectly adhere to the shield, leaving no space the drafts), turns out to be very important when it rains (rain across dunk), and to parry sketches of cars that are by your side or exceeded.

also dispel the belief that the Termoscud may hinder or impair the driving mobilità delle gambe : se ben montato lascia i piedi perfettamente mobili ma li ripara totalmente quando li rimettete sulle pedane, ben più comodo quindi dei sovrapantaloni o delle tute antiacqua da indossare prima di salire in sella.

Non dimenticate poi di regolare la bretella al collo e di sistemarvi la pettorina sul petto, la protezione che otterrete, (unita alla giacca tecnica di cui leggerete dopo), sarà praticamente ins uperabile !

Inoltre, troverete preziosa la tascona che si trova all'interno del Termoscud, perfettamente riparata dalle intemperie e davvero capiente e come ultimo, (scusate se è poco !), se lo tirate bene ed ag ganciate la bretella all'estremità della sella , vi risparmierà di asciugarla ogni volta che salirete.

Non posso non fare pubblicità a chi lo produce in quanto è un brevetto della Tucano Urbano e lo trovate qui

Sistemate le gambe passiamo al corpo : una giacca tecnica è obbligatoria !

Antiacqua e termica, con buone cuciture e buone chiusure ai polsi, regolabile in vita ed imbottita all'interno o ancora meglio con imbottitura removable hinged windscreen: nowadays are produced models really elegant and wearable for every occasion. . . a garment wardrobe than by bauliera scooter, choose what you want but. . . buy it, not regret it!

Remember also that if, as in my case, I plan to make it a real head of every day, think also about when to wear under a jacket, golf shirt, maybe choose a size up also considering the padding of the jacket itself.

And now we come to gloves : no compromise!

Although the Adiva, thanks to the windshield and the side deflectors is much more protective of the other scooter, remember that extremities are the first to cool and the most difficult to heat : So good gloves, fabric, padded thermal inner, reinforced on the palms and without inserts tergivisiera (do not need it) and short but elasticized wrists (wrists long ones fail to fit under your jacket!).

I said it all: 3 accessories to go really everywhere, but especially 3 easy to wear and accessories duffing and this is because, thanks to the protection of the project Adiva, a good helmet protects us from the cold without enough force us to use even balaclavas, thermal collars, heated grips or overshoes and overpants, as well as gloves and hands are enough to Termoscud feet and not to suffer the cold.

A word of advice I would give it anyway: Do not ever say never and climb into the saddle without a scarf around his neck . . . throat and bronchial not thank you enough for the scooter and males more sensitive to the cold (the women already know how to use it!) a gem. . . the tights!

not underestimate absolutely , buy it in any store underwear and wear it without shame even under the complete office (of course those recommended cut ankles leaving the foot free to be worn any way you like). . . try it!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pokemon Ruby Rom Rare Candy Cheats

Blog on standby

It 'a lot that I do not write here anymore and the rest of last year I slowed down a lot with the posts. Now I can officially say that the blog is stand by and do not know if, how, when they could eventually resume his activities. I would not say that it is an enclosed ... but today I do not know for sure if teases him will have a second youth. Maybe, who knows ...
So for now here we are hardly new post.
If you want to pay me a "find", I moved somewhere else: in my little corner discreet, romantic and intimate. I was in my third blog, here: I want to be a character austenitic .

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pan Stills In Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5

four wheels!

This post is not covered scooter, but in the field of innovations in ai mezzi da usare tutto l'anno merita sicuramente una citazione ed un posto di tutto rispetto.

Sopra volevo usare la frase " novità
scooter tetto,scooter coperto,scooter coperti,scooter tre ruote,scooter 3 ruote,scooter 4 ruote,scooter quattro ruote,scuter coperti,scooter pioggia,adiva scooter,scooter tettuccio,non bagnarsi in scooter,tetto scooter gonfiabile,pioggia in moto moto coperta,moto con tetto,scooter con tetto,adiva ad3,adiva tre ruote
relative alle due ruote " ma non ho potuto perchè qui di ruote ne abbiamo addirittura . . . quattro !

Non si tratta ovviamente di un'auto ma di uno scooter vero e proprio che avrete senz'altro visto (o di cui avete sentito parlare) all'ultima edizione dell'EICMA appena conclusa.

Parliamo di una linea completa di veicoli (a tre e quattro ruote) prodotta dalla Quadro Tecnologie of which he is co-owner Luciano Marabese of Marabese Design, the father of the project three-wheel Piaggio MP3 .

After a decade of studies, the house has developed its own system of hydraulic oscillation that is applied to the scooter products and provides exceptional handling and road holding in all conditions.

The concept of urban mobility is then taken up alongside the maneuverability and agility of a scooter to security and stability of four wheels (albeit a very narrow track of course).

The range includes the now a model three-wheeled motorized and a 300cc 4-wheel motorcycles with 500cc
authorization presenting some interesting new construction.

sure the project is very interesting not so much for the 3 wheels, after all, is a replica of the Piaggio MP3, but for the 4 wheels that can really open the way for a new philosophy of vehicles equipped with exceptional stability.

As always, the security problem is not taken into account, even though rumors, signal the willingness of the house to achieve the same models covered (although surely coverage fixed) and even an off-road model (type quad narrow-track, so to speak!).

We will be able to talk about that in the meantime check out this enjoyable video presentation:


Spritual Marriage Cards

wiper mandatory?

pioggia,scooter pioggia,scooter tetto,scooter tettuccio,adiva tetto,adiva tre ruote,adiva 200,scooter coperti,scuter coperti, scuter tetto,bagnarsi in scooter,adiva tre ruote,adiva ad3,adiva 3 ruote,scooter usati,scooterusati,viaggiare in scooter,scootermania,scooter mania,scuter,scooter bagnato,parabrezza scooter,tergicristallo scooter
rains, it rains and it is still raining. . . It rained a lot this year and forecasts say it will rain again and then. . snows too much.

Despite this, in our cities and tang
enziali is increasingly common to see movimento di scooter che sfidano il maltempo pur di muoversi più agevolmente (e trovare parcheggio !!).

Naturalmente per la stragrande maggioranza sono scooter normali (scoperti), anche se, fermo al semaforo con il mio tetto che mi copre, sempre più spesso mi trovo a dover rispondere a domande circa il mio Adiva (che il " puro scooterista italiano " cominci magari a capire che non è più di moda bagnarsi come un pulcino a tutti i costi ?).

Sono numerosi quindi coloro che sfidano le weather on two wheels only protected from rain jacket and windshield (increasingly common in scooters) but. . . have you ever tried to drive a scooter with the windshield but, of course, no wiper ?

course I have tried as it is obvious that you wondered how the hell do you do not invest the first pedestrian crossing!

The wet windshield, often scratched, dirty or matted, it is virtually impenetrable and added to the visor of the helmet studded with droplets creates a dangerous situation certainly not negligible, not to mention that, with the humidity, tends to tarnish also externally with tragic consequences for the visibility.

Very often I find myself using the only wiper to wipe the film of moisture and I really wonder with what degree of security to travel people (99%), the wipers do not have it.

I truly believe that our rules of the road, more and more devoted to the protection of security, should consider this aspect of the world on two wheels, by imposing somewhat the introduction of a wiper all the manufacturers that provide the windshield in their scooters. . what do you think?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Clansphere Wow Template

we like. . . we do not like. . .

tre ruote,scooter tre ruote,tre ruote coperte,scooter con tetto,scooter tetto,ad 3,adiva tre ruote,MP3,scooter pioggia,tetto scooter,tettuccio scooter,telo copriscooter,scooter usati,scooterusati,bagnarsi in scooter,tettoia scooter
Closed EICMA 2010 with record turnout, we can not but comment on the product that all aspects: the ' ADIVA AD3 !

E 'comment, however, still a part as that seen at the fair is once again a prototype, certainly much closer to the finished product as proposed two years ago, but still not the version that ride (hopefully) starting this summer.

We must say that the scooter is the most automobile that there is , really conceived as a second car and, as such, should be considered.

We like it. . . .

the gritty : beautiful front deck that incorporates the double wheels in the front fairing of a kind, of course, automobiles.

The track is low and the front shock absorber seen in the exhibition will then be replaced by a double arm (thus responding to the many readers who expressed doubts about the strength of the mono support! ).

The platform is lowered and, in conjunction with the leveling rear seat that allows the pilot to retreat at will, promote and satisfy even the most senior pilots (thus solving another question expressed by the readers!) .

Nevertheless 'and despite the wheelbase was significantly shortened (to the advantage of handling), the saddle has been expanded and is now a full-face helmet + 1 jet, finally releasing the boot from' space helmet (this really wonderful, that leaves the entire volume of the bauliera intact, considering, che, grazie ad un gioco stilistico, è stata aumentata la capienza di ben 8 litri , trasformando l'AD3 in un veicolo ben più capiente di una Smart !!).

Novità importanti anche nel frontale che vede sparire i montanti reggiparabrezza per favorire lo sviluppo di un guscio avvolgente e notevolmente protettivo (che probabilmente si estenderà in basso sino a riparare le gambe del pilota), da cui spuntano solamente gli specchietti retrovisori ed il tergicristallo e che culmina in alto con un riporto inspessito al quale viene fissato il tetto retrattile tipico Adiva.

Finalmente sparito l'anacronistico housing "Motorad" and two speakers mounted in the upper part of the tunnel, disappeared as the two side open pockets (now more exposed to weather), in favor of a wide peak door with a key that will certainly more useful and usable (subject to the possibility of staying the navigator on the handlebars!).

Consequently, reposition (better) some of the heating vents hands and feet to the facility which will be offered as an option (or standard in 300 cc?).

Here we are in fact the motorization (For now) only two displacements: 125 or 300 cc.

Motors are Kymco and we would like to praise this choice because the engines are concerned conceptually new, powerful and reliable scooter proposed recently by the landscape (see the sales figures and the flattering comments about the last Kymco products).

Apart from the 125 cc, produced almost exclusively for the foreign market (remember that the market share in Italy Adiva is minimal compared to the penetration of foreign markets, laws here!), Which will still be a just enough engine for this vehicle, il 300 cc ci sembra il compromesso giusto , come avevamo già anticipato , per fare di questo scooter un " ognistrada " (oltre che un "ognitempo").

La strumentazione riprenderà l'ultima serie dell'AD con il cruscotto formato da 2 cilindri con gli indicatori all'interno ed il manubrio (se pur ingiudicabile in quanto incompleto anche nel prototipo), sembra rimarrà piccolo e maneggevole come piace a noi.

Ancora due parole sulle ruote che saranno da 13" le due davanti e da 14" quella dietro, con frenata ripartita e combinata su 3 dischi che sicuramente non farà rimpiangere the lack of ABS (unless it is then inserted in the list of options at the time of sale).

The price obviously is not received (due to missing nearly a year on marketing), but there are rumors about 6500 € for the 300 cc, a figure that seems very much in line as the vehicle.

We do not like. . .

for the moment the choice of the windshield without media, beautiful aesthetics and visual for the pilot, but leave us perplexed robustness especially in the items to work and more frequent (attack of the roof) and passive safety: in the windscreen pillars is the same at the time of a collision off enough support. . . What will happen with the wrapping?

is fine saddle streamlined and "modular" as the driver but a step "lumbar " distances than would be desirable, especially in medium to long!

Components: ingiudicabile at the moment is because it is just a prototype, as real as you want but still a prototype, however, we appeal to you to plastics manufacturers and assemblages also improve significantly compared to the latest versions Adiva that, in some places, showed more than a shortage.

memo / request for a small but useful little accessory useful light in bauliera !
I do not know what a relief it would be for someone like me, use the trunk like a roof rack and avoid search far and wide in search of gloves and when the night is based. . course. . . it's raining!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Power Supply Sata Adapter Radio Shack

ne fait pas tout machine's @ 121 +

The machine will fait pas tout. Il faut ...
2-color lithograph with Atelier Vostok
121 + Library in Time
Via Savona 17 / 5, Milan
15 & 16 November 2010 from 10.00 to 18.00

A two-day workshop with Alexis Roma and Claude Marzotto Atelier Vostok to discover the photolithographic printing process by placing a hand plates, rollers and inks. Forget about the process and come to explore the world of advertising in two color patterns: impact graphics and amazing combinations! / A special two-day workshop with Alexis Rom and Claude Marzotto ( Atelier Vostok ). Learn the process of photolithography and discover the tools of the trade, with photo plates, rollers and ink. Forget the quadrichromy and explore the fantastic world of two-color advertising: striking graphics and unexpected combinations!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Loans For Internet Cafe Business

Analog Self Mapping

121 + Library in Time
Via Savona 17 / 5, Milan

Monday, 8 November 2010 from 10.00 to 18.00
Analog Self Mapping is a workshop of self exploration and city guides (happy memories), in the jungle of Tortona area, accompanied by snark - space and making Atelier Vostok / Analog is a self mapping workshop about urban exploration and selfproduction of guides (happy memories), together with snark - space and making Atelier Vostok

Cheap Holidays Orlando

improprio 121 + @ 040::: Tappo Timbro

cap stamp / stamps
bottle top stopper, silicone adhesive / rubber top silicon sheet, double-sided tape
by alizarin , claude

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Excess Mucus And Muscle Spasms

advances. . .

Resume and published by

SCOOP: Adiva AD3 125/300

28/10/2010 - A few days before the start of EICMA, here in premiere a rendering of the final version of Adiva AD3 125/300 three-wheeled overhead, which can be seen in Hall 2 at booth O16, along with other news .

Adiva Of the three wheels are we talking about since 2007, the year presentation of a 'dummy' to assess the reaction of the audience, followed by version marching in 2008 , then a Piaggio engine which was followed by the rendering of 2010 closer to the final version is already equipped with engines Sym, to get the scoop today that offers the body final and the actual displacement .
Following the evolution of the project, known as the attention of planners and designers
has focused on the front to obtain both a pleasant design and maximum protection with .
And if the aesthetic result to better assess the EICMA, regarding the protectiveness we immediately notice the ' large windshield that is contoured extends to encompass the knobs, managing to do without the support pillars , solution not easy to do with having to combine strength visibility, even going to support the unique retractable roof .
protection continues in the legs with flaps transparent, in this case optional. Do not miss the wiper
, essential for a rainy day, while LED indicators are incorporated in the rear view mirrors.
The chassis remained unchanged, with the anterior tilt solution with patented shock , a pair of 13 "wheels front and a rear 14. The braking
uses three operated disc brakes combined. Two engines
the created by Sym 125cc and 300cc always be of Taiwanese origin, which is not yet revealed the manufacturer. Changes also
saddle, with a less pronounced difference for the passenger and especially to the under- and will feature two helmets (we do not know if whole), which together with the rear trunk (increased in volume 8litri) which contains two other great integrals, we arrive at a volume to be utilitarian .
For now it is all appointment at EICMA, pad. 2 O16 stand to see it live, along with the rest of the Adiva range, which will see another new entry : a more compact and affordable version AD on two wheels, always with retractable roof.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Milena Velba & Nadine Jansen - Milking

breaking news !!!!!! . . .

We would not be the blog reference ADI if we had first-hand information, and that's how we try to respond to the many seeking enlightenment on three wheels (also overwhelmed mail the parent), providing some indiscretions.

scooter nuovi,scooter tre ruote,scooter 3 ruote,scooter cabrio,scooter tetto,maxiscooter,scooter coperti,scooter usati

First "radio servant" seems to confirm the presence of ADIVA to ' EICMA 2010 to be held in Milan in early November (no say in that hall, but will seems to be adjacent to or near the stand Yamaha) which will be presented (HEAR !!!!!!!) the final version of 'A3 .

For the moment the project is referred to as the last final touches will be redesigned rear to streamline and optimize the line.

The proposals will be engines 125 cc and 250 cc capacity (or maybe a 300 that would, in our opinion, the best compromise), while studying the possibility of a 400 cc (mourned by many in the series AD), however, will see the light of some time.


The sale will take place in spring 2011 and hope for a slowdown in economic crisis (which was confirmed to be the real obstacle once the product), while it is not leaked anything yet as far as regards the selling price al pubblico.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pitchers Of Nakid Men

scooters and abs

abs scooter,abs moto,freni,frenare moto,distante frenata Molti costruttori non ne vogliono sentire parlare, altri lo prevedono solamente sui loro modelli di maggior prestigio, addirittura alcuni commercianti, per rendere più appetibile il prodotto in funzione del prezzo, arrivano addirittura a sconsigliarlo : in generale l’introduzione dell’ABS soprattutto per quanto riguarda gli scooter (per le moto siamo messi leggermente meglio, anche se non di molto) sembra un processo lentissimo e sofferto.

Eppure tra le moderne innovazioni tecnologiche, l’ABS occupa probabilmente il gradino più alto del podio because it deals with the most important part of traveling on two wheels safety!

One of the most authoritative German associations in the field of cars and motorcycles (and we know how the Germanic tradition of rigor and meticulousness monsters), the 'ADAC ( Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club ) played a thorough test of motorcycle and scooter with ABS and non ABS.

The results are amazing, the difference in braking performance between vehicles equipped with ABS or not is remarkable, not to mention that in the case of two wheels in fact, the presence of ABS helps a lot the pilot in keeping the feet in half in case of hard braking, given the almost total absence of "tailing" due to inertia.

In the two wheels to safety and should dominate much of any other assessment (appearance, power, etc..) In the choice of means, given the vulnerability of the pilot and the natural precariousness of his position, for this the Germans, by ADAC precisely, are launching a campaign with the slogan "never again scooter without ABS "

And what do you think
? Would you be willing to pay some centinaio di Euro sul prezzo di acquisto per avere l’ABS ? L’Adiva tre ruote che uscirà dovrà esserne provvisto ? Oggi come oggi è logico pensare ad un maxiscooter senza ABS ? ditemelo nel forum . . . .

Ecco il video delle prove ADAC (è in tedesco ma sottotitolato) :

Ed ecco un altro "impressionante" filmato che evidenzia la differenza di prestazioni in frenata :

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Is Spooning To Find The G Spot?

the new "roof" of Malaguti. . . We look forward

at dell'ottantesimo birthday, the Italian motorcycle gives you a new "cap" to be mounted on versions of its "BLOG" 125 and 160.

This is a st malaguti ruttura ABS and lightweight steel tube firmly fixed to the rear by the latter and which has a large enough wraparound windshield with wiper.

News is the network attached storage to the portion of the roof and useful for documents and small objects, as well as the ability to install, however, even the 30 liter top box. (A casco integrale).

Pur trattandosi sempre di una “aggiunta” ad uno scooter di serie e non certo di un progetto specifico, ci sembra migliore di tanti altri tentativi e degno di nota (soprattutto per la presenza del tergicristallo !)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Manual Netgear Wgr613val

hits you in the delivery room? You must be expelled

happens in Italy, two gynecologists in childbirth are too busy to punch up to assist the mother and her unborn child, with terrible consequences for the health of mother and child. It seems absurd that in a civilized country such horrors can happen, stuff that even in the Third World has ever heard, but between the Italian pearls, finally, this.
Minister Fazio course is immediately to ascertain the culpability of Messina two "doctors", to shed light on the issue, punish those who should be punished, and of course apologized to her husband and family of the unfortunate woman.
apology. As if it was enough to wash the umpteenth storiaccia Italian hospital.
E 'scandalous that such things can happen in a context such as a hospital, in a perilous as sensitive as a delivery room! I wonder if the culprits can never pay enough for what they have combined, especially if the baby and mother will bring permanent damage on their skin as a result of those minutes of madness ... where instead of being helped had to "assist" in a scene from the dead between the two infamous "doctors", complete with a window pane broken.
What a shame!
Oh, good, those two "doctors"! They effectively demonstrated their unworthiness, inadequacy and stupidity , in the best possible way. Deserve commendation as they should ... something like RADIATION , for a start! And then a beautiful sentence! Yes, because now the investigations aimed at discovering the truth could lead to dismissal and the removal of two "doctors" from the hospital ... to put them where? Elsewhere? Oh, sure! A great find to replace two angry, barbaric, uncivilized 'doctors' with a passion for boxing elsewhere ... so that they can beat even with other colleagues, because relocating certain vice is not disappearing ... let's keep in mind ...
No, a better radiation is the care it takes for those two! must remove them from circulation that do not harm others, how you would do with pedophile priests instead of moving them from one parish to another ... should be removed from circulation! These are the only treatment for perpetrators of heinous crimes: remove them so that other innocent people do not pay on their skin than others a lack of brain! It is not so difficult, basta solo far funzionare quei due neuroni che i Piani Alti hanno!
Con quale cuore quella sfortunata donna e suo marito possono andare avanti pensando che quei due "medici" lavorano in altri ospedali e potrebbero ricadere nel peccato che a loro è costato così tanto? E con quale cuore altri coniugi al momento di far nascere il proprio figlio potrebbero affidarsi a quei due?
Il ministro Fazio deve pensare a questo, soprattutto. Chi sbaglia così tanto deve pagare il giusto prezzo e tra inchieste e inchiestine ci deve essere Giustizia VERA.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gluten Frozen Shoulder

. . .

. . . e chi non lo sarebbe ?

Continuiamo a vedere Piaggio sfornare versioni su versioni dell' MP3 e proporlo ormai in tutte le salse (125-250-300-400-hybrid, ecc) sdoganando completamente il progetto tre ruote e
confermandone la bontà tecnologica con le percentuali di vendite in Italia a all'estero e ci chiediamo . . . but Adiva ?

The official site of the house devotes a paragraph icon with the three-wheel, boasting the talents but not spending a single word about the date of placing on the market.

Voices and "rumors" of "aficionados" Adiva, semiconfermate half-heartedly by professionals, are leaked that the project is done and finished : missing only the marketing discouraged, perhaps, by the continuing Given this crisis.

Curiosity is great: how many engines will be produced? and what? will be fished out of the 400 cc engine? will ABS? how much will it cost?

For now we keep our curiosity because, at this point, difficult to see the debut of three wheels before 2011, for sure, however, all the "Adiva" are dreaming of replacing their vehicle with the new tricycles: people used to use it all year (probably 90% of the holders of Adiva) as can resist the temptation to combine the legendary protectiveness Adiva with safety and versatility of the two front wheels ?

really half It promises "total" the car to relegherà that the occasional appearance but in the meantime. . . we just have to wait !

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Alternatives To Adderall For Adhd

my third blog!

Se volete venirmi a trovare, ho aperto un nuovo blog!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Being Alone In Apartment

six enemy of his country? You can aspire to become a minister of the Italian republic as Mughal

after I write a little 'time in the full fury of indignation and disgust that a mountain for years; indignation that increasingly struggle to contain to a disease, a cancer that threatens to destroy our country. I do not know, I think we continue to pretend that it is not a problem, while those concerned do not lose this opportunity to reaffirm their hatred of this country (which incidentally is not their country because their country is another , Padania). The League became increasingly disturbing and less the League hide their opinion on our country, no longer even try to hide the hatred they feel for Italy.
I am no longer prepared to accept such a mess!
Last night I had just finished watching the match in Argentina when, in connection with the Casa Azzurri in South Africa, is read this statement of Bossi ( Italian Minister of the Republic, not a fool who speaks out of turn at the bar, let's keep in mind ), in short, according to "the outstanding character Italian political (???)" the Football Association will buy the game against Slovakia to go through. A replay of the Federation, annoyed to say the least, not long in coming: these people have crossed the line this time. And they right! But the fact is that these people are the sign has long past ... but comtinuano to persecute him because they know they ALL allow: Do not miss an opportunity to insult the national anthem, to insult the flag, the Republic Day Northern League ministers are never present, speak of Padania as if there were real and that if challenged could deploy 10 million ready to fight! But we're kidding? want civil war, because I so I call it: the civil war! Hey, we're talking about people who have government posts, but we have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seriousness of these allegations? They hate us and the sooner we put this in Testaccio and the sooner we can do something to prevent take over ... because if they continue to take hold YOU eaten alive!
These are anti-Italian, these are enemies of the Fatherland! But what does it tell? That is the IRA or ETA are terrorists with bombs claiming what they want ... but these we will we are slowly handing the country, a country that HATE! People who never misses a chance to understand what are their priorities, that during the inauguration of a school play should be 'thought instead of me laugh! How much longer are we willing to tolerate a viper in the breast under the sun conspires against us?
Now, National is worth doing, we are at risk elimination, Lippi has made questionable choices, this is a fact ... but from here to suggest that a nation, a glorious national - speaking from football - like Italy has to resort to certain mezzucci to overcome the round of scandalous! E 'shameful and disgusting, it is intolerable! In our history we have won and we lost, but we always walk tall! I am ashamed of this people, because abroad, hearing declare certain things, they may think that we Italians are all so ... But no: I'm not like them! I am a REAL Italian! Italian who often s'incazza with his country, but that is proud to be Italian and not insult never, never, its colors, its origins and its history! who is not Italian it would go away! Once and for all, you can go to hell!
no longer tolerate ministers who insult my country! Ministers who do not pass up the chance to flaunt their hatred towards my country!
I say another thing, never before this time I'm with Fini: ha ragione sulla Padania, lui è uno dei pochi che ha finalmente capito di che pasta sono fatti gli alleati del Pdl! Ha capito che se gli diamo ancora spago ci si mangeranno vivi!
E allora che vogliamo fare? La Figc ha risposto, ma qui serve che gente più in alto finalmente metta bocca su questa cancrena che rischia di diventare un'emergenza sociale. Io spero che finalmente arrivino parole chiare o moriremo tutti di cancrena.
Chiudo la mia indignazione con una considerazione che ogni VERO italiano dovrebbe prendere seriamente in esame: questa gente è nemica della Patria... perciò chiunque le dia spago è nemico della Patria; chi li vota è nemico della Patria, chi ci si allea è nemico della Patria. E i nemici della Patria devono essere banditi dall'Italia. Punto.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Best Of 2009 Antenna 5


Ormai ci ho preso gusto a scrivere testi per canzoni! E' appena arrivata Vertigine , la seconda collaborazione musicale con la mia amica Serena : mio il testo, sua la musica e naturalmente la voce! Ancora una grande emozione! Ringrazio di nuovo Serena per aver scritto una musica che valorizza pienamente le mie parole! Una musica bellissima!
V'invito ad ascoltare Vertigine Click here .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Farthest Shooting Paintball Gun

mother will be with me, you will not be alone anymore! 10

Congratulations to all the mothers of today and those of tomorrow.
Best wishes to all mothers every day, because every day a woman is a mother and every day we must thank you for the gift you can give: life.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Contract To Wear Boxers

Vostok Mani Zone Party @ K + Vostok Atelier Milano

VostokManiFesta in collaborazione con Studiolabo

con il di sponsorship
AIAP il supporto di and
Gmund, Canon
, Gelati Pepino, enoteca il Cavallanti

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Camera Sperm Inside The Uterus

Revenge. . .

If there must be one year, a period, a season that re-evaluate and suggest the scooter " covered " well. . . here it is served!

The wettest winter of the last 100 years and spring. . Well, we'll see statistics that will play music! For the moment

water, water and more water , interspersed with a few hours (it seems to me an exaggeration to say days), a pale and haggard sun certainly does not recommend "the lid off the roof!" And here

i nostri scooter coperti, oltre a regalarci la magnifica funzione che tutti conosciamo, cominciano anche a farsi strada nella mente e nelle mire dei nostri irremovibili compatrioti.

Le città e le tangenziali sono congestionate quotidianamente dal traffico e lo sappiamo, ma quando piove, magicamente si straintasano, si bloccano, si ingarbugliano, quasi che l'automobilista, ignaro di avere un solido tetto sulla testa ed un abitacolo più o meno impermeabile, pensasse di essere ancora più vulnerabile del solito e quindi guardingo ed incerto ad ogni metro del suo procedere.

E' il nostro regno !

Sgombrato il campo anche dagli altri fratelli "normali" (non è frequente see scooter super padded challenge the traditional scooter with the weather), here we deal with most of endless queues and roundabouts blocked, respecting appointments otherwise impossible to attend, parking anywhere (and in 30 seconds flat!) and returning home in time for the 'drink, shaking up a bit to' drop from shoulders and arms but really there is so determined to ignore this medium-range mobility solution?

's your word. . . .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Love Men With Big Noses

the Pep Montserrat @ @ Cardosa

Walking on the Edge Castell de la Cardosa Atelier Vostok
& Pep Montserrat

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Politician In Leather

thing I love

I received this nice prize-meme by Federica . The game consists in listing 10 things I like and then said in granting the award-meme to 10 other bloggers. Well, let's proceed ...

1) I like to write! Well, there is little to comment on, I think it is widely understood, is not it? Otherwise I would not be here! Writing for me is everything, everything. It 's the whole world contained in a few lines: in each row is a piece of the world, life and emotions. It 's a great power!

2) I like the literature. I love reading and "knowing" other people, places, customs by simply opening the pages of a book! It helps to bring forth the imagination and open your mind!

3) Like Feminism. Well, more than "like" is a vocation, a mission, a need to reiterate the violence and discrimination against women should be eradicated from this world, no ifs, ands or buts. It is possible that there are still children that they should regret to have been born female, they should ensure that every child, girl and woman is free to live and be what you want without having to constantly fear for their safety.

4) Like the nineteenth century English, which corresponds to my romantic ideal for excellence!

5) I love sweets! And I like ... because they do not hardly ever eat! My mother never had much sympathy for the desserts and then did not prepare anything, tell her to prepare for tons of homemade pasta, meat, vegetables etc.. and will do ... but do not tell her to do the desserts! If I can give her an apple pie is fat that runs every so often! So since I do not eat sweets almost never ... I like this happen to me because when I pray I do not shoot!

6) I like the ornaments! Trinkets, knick-knacks various! I have a bookcase full of ornaments and I like them because they give me joy and color to my room!

7) I like everything that is British: music, cinema and literature. Everything is baked in the UK I like it! Aho, British do it better!!

8) I love Milan! Milan fans are from when I was little! Legend has it that when I was little I loved to Milan and I always said I wanted to live there ... and then it seemed natural to cheer the team the city that I loved so much! Then a growing passion in Milan I went ... Milan's passion but no! Always and only Forza Milan! (Hoping they will spend a few dollars more for the next recruitment drive ...).

9) I like the drawings! I spent my childhood drawing and I was also pretty good! Then, alas, growing up I have not cultivated the design, perhaps more seriously, and for that I am a little 'sorry, however, continue to love the drawings, comics, etc.. and I admire those who can draw! And then in general are attracted to colorful things!

10) I love Wikipedia! Ahhhh, I love Wikipedia! When I need news about someone / something I'm immediately on Wikipedia and I get lost for hours among its pages, jumping from one link to 'more! It is to get an education!


Well, here are some things that I love! Now I pass the ball to 10 bloggers, but since it seems too simplistic, to say that people who spend time here and wish and can take the prize-meme and do it! Everyone is invited to try out!