Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Being Alone In Apartment

six enemy of his country? You can aspire to become a minister of the Italian republic as Mughal

after I write a little 'time in the full fury of indignation and disgust that a mountain for years; indignation that increasingly struggle to contain to a disease, a cancer that threatens to destroy our country. I do not know, I think we continue to pretend that it is not a problem, while those concerned do not lose this opportunity to reaffirm their hatred of this country (which incidentally is not their country because their country is another , Padania). The League became increasingly disturbing and less the League hide their opinion on our country, no longer even try to hide the hatred they feel for Italy.
I am no longer prepared to accept such a mess!
Last night I had just finished watching the match in Argentina when, in connection with the Casa Azzurri in South Africa, is read this statement of Bossi ( Italian Minister of the Republic, not a fool who speaks out of turn at the bar, let's keep in mind ), in short, according to "the outstanding character Italian political (???)" the Football Association will buy the game against Slovakia to go through. A replay of the Federation, annoyed to say the least, not long in coming: these people have crossed the line this time. And they right! But the fact is that these people are the sign has long past ... but comtinuano to persecute him because they know they ALL allow: Do not miss an opportunity to insult the national anthem, to insult the flag, the Republic Day Northern League ministers are never present, speak of Padania as if there were real and that if challenged could deploy 10 million ready to fight! But we're kidding? want civil war, because I so I call it: the civil war! Hey, we're talking about people who have government posts, but we have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seriousness of these allegations? They hate us and the sooner we put this in Testaccio and the sooner we can do something to prevent take over ... because if they continue to take hold YOU eaten alive!
These are anti-Italian, these are enemies of the Fatherland! But what does it tell? That is the IRA or ETA are terrorists with bombs claiming what they want ... but these we will we are slowly handing the country, a country that HATE! People who never misses a chance to understand what are their priorities, that during the inauguration of a school play should be 'thought instead of me laugh! How much longer are we willing to tolerate a viper in the breast under the sun conspires against us?
Now, National is worth doing, we are at risk elimination, Lippi has made questionable choices, this is a fact ... but from here to suggest that a nation, a glorious national - speaking from football - like Italy has to resort to certain mezzucci to overcome the round of scandalous! E 'shameful and disgusting, it is intolerable! In our history we have won and we lost, but we always walk tall! I am ashamed of this people, because abroad, hearing declare certain things, they may think that we Italians are all so ... But no: I'm not like them! I am a REAL Italian! Italian who often s'incazza with his country, but that is proud to be Italian and not insult never, never, its colors, its origins and its history! who is not Italian it would go away! Once and for all, you can go to hell!
no longer tolerate ministers who insult my country! Ministers who do not pass up the chance to flaunt their hatred towards my country!
I say another thing, never before this time I'm with Fini: ha ragione sulla Padania, lui è uno dei pochi che ha finalmente capito di che pasta sono fatti gli alleati del Pdl! Ha capito che se gli diamo ancora spago ci si mangeranno vivi!
E allora che vogliamo fare? La Figc ha risposto, ma qui serve che gente più in alto finalmente metta bocca su questa cancrena che rischia di diventare un'emergenza sociale. Io spero che finalmente arrivino parole chiare o moriremo tutti di cancrena.
Chiudo la mia indignazione con una considerazione che ogni VERO italiano dovrebbe prendere seriamente in esame: questa gente è nemica della Patria... perciò chiunque le dia spago è nemico della Patria; chi li vota è nemico della Patria, chi ci si allea è nemico della Patria. E i nemici della Patria devono essere banditi dall'Italia. Punto.


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