Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gluten Frozen Shoulder

. . .

. . . e chi non lo sarebbe ?

Continuiamo a vedere Piaggio sfornare versioni su versioni dell' MP3 e proporlo ormai in tutte le salse (125-250-300-400-hybrid, ecc) sdoganando completamente il progetto tre ruote e
confermandone la bontà tecnologica con le percentuali di vendite in Italia a all'estero e ci chiediamo . . . but Adiva ?

The official site of the house devotes a paragraph icon with the three-wheel, boasting the talents but not spending a single word about the date of placing on the market.

Voices and "rumors" of "aficionados" Adiva, semiconfermate half-heartedly by professionals, are leaked that the project is done and finished : missing only the marketing discouraged, perhaps, by the continuing Given this crisis.

Curiosity is great: how many engines will be produced? and what? will be fished out of the 400 cc engine? will ABS? how much will it cost?

For now we keep our curiosity because, at this point, difficult to see the debut of three wheels before 2011, for sure, however, all the "Adiva" are dreaming of replacing their vehicle with the new tricycles: people used to use it all year (probably 90% of the holders of Adiva) as can resist the temptation to combine the legendary protectiveness Adiva with safety and versatility of the two front wheels ?

really half It promises "total" the car to relegherà that the occasional appearance but in the meantime. . . we just have to wait !


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