Monday, August 30, 2010

Manual Netgear Wgr613val

hits you in the delivery room? You must be expelled

happens in Italy, two gynecologists in childbirth are too busy to punch up to assist the mother and her unborn child, with terrible consequences for the health of mother and child. It seems absurd that in a civilized country such horrors can happen, stuff that even in the Third World has ever heard, but between the Italian pearls, finally, this.
Minister Fazio course is immediately to ascertain the culpability of Messina two "doctors", to shed light on the issue, punish those who should be punished, and of course apologized to her husband and family of the unfortunate woman.
apology. As if it was enough to wash the umpteenth storiaccia Italian hospital.
E 'scandalous that such things can happen in a context such as a hospital, in a perilous as sensitive as a delivery room! I wonder if the culprits can never pay enough for what they have combined, especially if the baby and mother will bring permanent damage on their skin as a result of those minutes of madness ... where instead of being helped had to "assist" in a scene from the dead between the two infamous "doctors", complete with a window pane broken.
What a shame!
Oh, good, those two "doctors"! They effectively demonstrated their unworthiness, inadequacy and stupidity , in the best possible way. Deserve commendation as they should ... something like RADIATION , for a start! And then a beautiful sentence! Yes, because now the investigations aimed at discovering the truth could lead to dismissal and the removal of two "doctors" from the hospital ... to put them where? Elsewhere? Oh, sure! A great find to replace two angry, barbaric, uncivilized 'doctors' with a passion for boxing elsewhere ... so that they can beat even with other colleagues, because relocating certain vice is not disappearing ... let's keep in mind ...
No, a better radiation is the care it takes for those two! must remove them from circulation that do not harm others, how you would do with pedophile priests instead of moving them from one parish to another ... should be removed from circulation! These are the only treatment for perpetrators of heinous crimes: remove them so that other innocent people do not pay on their skin than others a lack of brain! It is not so difficult, basta solo far funzionare quei due neuroni che i Piani Alti hanno!
Con quale cuore quella sfortunata donna e suo marito possono andare avanti pensando che quei due "medici" lavorano in altri ospedali e potrebbero ricadere nel peccato che a loro è costato così tanto? E con quale cuore altri coniugi al momento di far nascere il proprio figlio potrebbero affidarsi a quei due?
Il ministro Fazio deve pensare a questo, soprattutto. Chi sbaglia così tanto deve pagare il giusto prezzo e tra inchieste e inchiestine ci deve essere Giustizia VERA.


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