Saturday, November 20, 2010

Spritual Marriage Cards

wiper mandatory?

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rains, it rains and it is still raining. . . It rained a lot this year and forecasts say it will rain again and then. . snows too much.

Despite this, in our cities and tang
enziali is increasingly common to see movimento di scooter che sfidano il maltempo pur di muoversi più agevolmente (e trovare parcheggio !!).

Naturalmente per la stragrande maggioranza sono scooter normali (scoperti), anche se, fermo al semaforo con il mio tetto che mi copre, sempre più spesso mi trovo a dover rispondere a domande circa il mio Adiva (che il " puro scooterista italiano " cominci magari a capire che non è più di moda bagnarsi come un pulcino a tutti i costi ?).

Sono numerosi quindi coloro che sfidano le weather on two wheels only protected from rain jacket and windshield (increasingly common in scooters) but. . . have you ever tried to drive a scooter with the windshield but, of course, no wiper ?

course I have tried as it is obvious that you wondered how the hell do you do not invest the first pedestrian crossing!

The wet windshield, often scratched, dirty or matted, it is virtually impenetrable and added to the visor of the helmet studded with droplets creates a dangerous situation certainly not negligible, not to mention that, with the humidity, tends to tarnish also externally with tragic consequences for the visibility.

Very often I find myself using the only wiper to wipe the film of moisture and I really wonder with what degree of security to travel people (99%), the wipers do not have it.

I truly believe that our rules of the road, more and more devoted to the protection of security, should consider this aspect of the world on two wheels, by imposing somewhat the introduction of a wiper all the manufacturers that provide the windshield in their scooters. . what do you think?


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