Thursday, February 11, 2010

Professor Layton And Pandora's Box Tea Recipes

February 11, 1990, south africa

20 years ago Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years in prison. The man became a symbol of the fight against apartheid. A celebration of February 11, so. Yet, in addition to the historic date in himself and what he represented for the sake of the liberation of South Africa, this date should be cause for reflection and shame. Yes, shame. Shame on you for 27 years in solitary confinement for an innocent man, a man "guilty" of wanting to bring justice in a country that had none. I am ashamed to live in a world that allowed such a mess. Ashamed to look at the face of this old man who is idolized today ... while 20 years ago and one day he was in prison, in jail for innocent! Turning 27 years of his life like that! Do you know how long 27 years? I've got 25 and if I look back I know exactly what was the duration of my years in the same way and I realize how long it has been 27 years in prison Mandela. Let's think about this, think about how many activists are forced to prison, segregation regimes that control their countries. There are hundreds of them. I think, then, that we should not celebrate dates, but to ensure that there are no such injustice!
Just days ago, reading the new Clint Eastwood film Invictus, appearance reflected the worst 27 years in prison Mandela: the absolute silence, absolute inactivity the world. Silence that has allowed crimes and misdemeanors and the detention of a man for 27 years. How do we, then, to celebrate this anniversary with a light heart aware of a similar, shameful silence?
How do you celebrate when you're out there is filled with the right people who are in the same situation?


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