Monday, February 22, 2010

How Much Is A Desert Eagle Gold Plated

news to the Twilight Zone

Some news are the boundaries of reality. Do you think that no matter how evil and human stupidity serpeggino around us is difficult for them to touch certain heights, I do not know, you can imagine as long as a certain type of human perversity that is passed, which is part of the sad chapters of history more passed or not ... In short, do not ever expect to find that Perversità umana sotto ai tuoi occhi, sotto al cursore del tuo mouse. Eppure, è così.
Siamo giunti al tiro al bersaglio dei bambini down. Inimmaginabile l'idea che ci si possa accanire contro di loro, inimmaginabile che la Malvagità umana possa spingersi così oltre.
Evidentemente non conosciamo ancora a fondo la Malvagità umana, che non ha limite o vergogna. Oh no. Questa è l'ennesima dimostrazione, ahimé.
Sul social network più famoso del mondo compaiono gruppi che istigano alla violenza, all'intolleranza, al razzismo come se fioccasse neve e nessuno solleva la questione su cosa you could, what should be done to thwart certain phenomena. AND 'frightening that a group that extols a criminal-like aberrations in a few hours can count hundreds of members who beano of their membership and their stupidity ... an environment where we live, a world, a society where the stupid triumph. remember that last year, the day I signed up on facebook, just five minutes later, I found a story that had the disconcerting: fb after protests from its members, had alleged that the profiles of all those women who had shared the Leave the photos while breastfeeding their babies at the breast. Needless to say, this m'indignò. Well, not today, not only in this sad case known as a mark circles on fb undisturbed for months before they take action! Yes, I see every day in praise of aberrant groups to violence and intolerance! I remember a few years ago when the creator (of course behind a fictitious name) said that sexual violence against women is not a serious thing, that women exaggerate and that leaves absolutely no physical or mental trauma on the victim. I saw with my own eyes. Of course, the attendees (reflecting the thoughts of its members) was full of insults to the inventor to prove that an ounce of brains still persists around, but the idea that such a group can stay online for days or weeks before being deleted by to reflect. often faced with similar phenomena on fb, born groups "opposing" calling for the closure of the group and this way to report the crime to the editors of the site, but as I see it before I inspires me to be indignant create the group opposite must be the same editors of the site to continuously monitor the situation and immediately delete groups violent, offensive and racist. By getting those four fools who created the group did not even have time to get to know! Given that some individuals do not deserve to know they exist, because frankly we can do without! We must not give string! Nel gergo della rete questi vengono definiti "troll" , ossia disturbatori per gaudio, per noia, perché non hanno niente da fare e si divertono a rompere le balle agli altri. Questo è vero e generalmente si consiglia di ignorarli per farli zittire, Eppure, quando si arriva ad istigare alla violenza, quando si arriva a dire che violentare una donna non è una cosa grave, quando si arriva a prendersela con i bambini down non si tratta più di "semplici" azioni di disturbo della quiete virtuale, ma si tratta di reato, di crudeltà, di crimine, di cattiveria gratuita. Crimini che vanno fermati e criminali che vanno arrestati, perché se non lo si fa... domano fino a che punto si spingeranno?
face of these events makes me reflect on the meaning, about why there are certain individuals: what are we to do? How useful for Humanity of these elements? How useful to society? Unnecessary things should not be deleted? This than being stupid and evil and perversion free. Cruelty must be stopped in the bud, Cruelty does not deserve and should not even have time to see the light of the sun! I think so.


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