Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baseballcaps Mercruiser

chile, chile loved

A few weeks after the disaster of a new Haiti terrible earthquake shook the world , this time in Chile 'this gruesome sequence of misfortunes, I can not really understand this sequence of which scheme is part. I only know that the smallness of human rediscovers increasingly unable to cope with such natural upheavals.
are closely linked to Chile, first thanks to the readings of writers that I loved so much in the past as Sepulveda and Neruda and then ... even more so with my novel, the story of the Empire of Chile is in some ways a tribute to a troubled country that has had incredible support in the past sufferings.
Yesterday when I heard the news of the earthquake news kept a hand on the heart, eyes and a lump in my throat. Before the new tragedy, the tragedy of a country for which I imagined an empire ever existed ... and I feel particularly close.
are already 400 people were killed and how it was devastating quake (8.8 on the Richter scale), could really be an apocalypse era. Again, the macabre sequence of these tragedies must be followed to think: what is happening to us? What is happening to this planet? What?
pray for the victims.
My heart is now closer than ever to Chile

Monday, February 22, 2010

How Much Is A Desert Eagle Gold Plated

news to the Twilight Zone

Some news are the boundaries of reality. Do you think that no matter how evil and human stupidity serpeggino around us is difficult for them to touch certain heights, I do not know, you can imagine as long as a certain type of human perversity that is passed, which is part of the sad chapters of history more passed or not ... In short, do not ever expect to find that Perversità umana sotto ai tuoi occhi, sotto al cursore del tuo mouse. Eppure, è così.
Siamo giunti al tiro al bersaglio dei bambini down. Inimmaginabile l'idea che ci si possa accanire contro di loro, inimmaginabile che la Malvagità umana possa spingersi così oltre.
Evidentemente non conosciamo ancora a fondo la Malvagità umana, che non ha limite o vergogna. Oh no. Questa è l'ennesima dimostrazione, ahimé.
Sul social network più famoso del mondo compaiono gruppi che istigano alla violenza, all'intolleranza, al razzismo come se fioccasse neve e nessuno solleva la questione su cosa you could, what should be done to thwart certain phenomena. AND 'frightening that a group that extols a criminal-like aberrations in a few hours can count hundreds of members who beano of their membership and their stupidity ... an environment where we live, a world, a society where the stupid triumph. remember that last year, the day I signed up on facebook, just five minutes later, I found a story that had the disconcerting: fb after protests from its members, had alleged that the profiles of all those women who had shared the Leave the photos while breastfeeding their babies at the breast. Needless to say, this m'indignò. Well, not today, not only in this sad case known as a mark circles on fb undisturbed for months before they take action! Yes, I see every day in praise of aberrant groups to violence and intolerance! I remember a few years ago when the creator (of course behind a fictitious name) said that sexual violence against women is not a serious thing, that women exaggerate and that leaves absolutely no physical or mental trauma on the victim. I saw with my own eyes. Of course, the attendees (reflecting the thoughts of its members) was full of insults to the inventor to prove that an ounce of brains still persists around, but the idea that such a group can stay online for days or weeks before being deleted by to reflect. often faced with similar phenomena on fb, born groups "opposing" calling for the closure of the group and this way to report the crime to the editors of the site, but as I see it before I inspires me to be indignant create the group opposite must be the same editors of the site to continuously monitor the situation and immediately delete groups violent, offensive and racist. By getting those four fools who created the group did not even have time to get to know! Given that some individuals do not deserve to know they exist, because frankly we can do without! We must not give string! Nel gergo della rete questi vengono definiti "troll" , ossia disturbatori per gaudio, per noia, perché non hanno niente da fare e si divertono a rompere le balle agli altri. Questo è vero e generalmente si consiglia di ignorarli per farli zittire, Eppure, quando si arriva ad istigare alla violenza, quando si arriva a dire che violentare una donna non è una cosa grave, quando si arriva a prendersela con i bambini down non si tratta più di "semplici" azioni di disturbo della quiete virtuale, ma si tratta di reato, di crudeltà, di crimine, di cattiveria gratuita. Crimini che vanno fermati e criminali che vanno arrestati, perché se non lo si fa... domano fino a che punto si spingeranno?
face of these events makes me reflect on the meaning, about why there are certain individuals: what are we to do? How useful for Humanity of these elements? How useful to society? Unnecessary things should not be deleted? This than being stupid and evil and perversion free. Cruelty must be stopped in the bud, Cruelty does not deserve and should not even have time to see the light of the sun! I think so.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Want To Trade In My Bmw

A factory of ideas. . . New projects

More from the archive (and the pencil!) Of Tardino Monsieur, here is an interesting variant dedicated to the new BMW EC1 equipped with Vetrix electric motor.

bmw ec1,scooter teto,scooter coperti,scooter cabrio,scooter tettuccio,scooter usati,antipioggia,parabrezza scooter,tergicristallo scooter

In a city perspective only, the project would ensure ultraecologico mobility absolutely clean (and also very dry), unlike the original product while ensuring the safety of the cradle frame, (allowing then driving without a helmet), offers no shelter from rain and weather.

The work of M. Tardino called "No-Helmet Electric Scooter " and, finally, also does justice to the passenger hours placed inside the e coperto anch’egli.

Electric No-helmet Scooter 2

Rinnoviamo i complimenti al progettista ed aspettiamo altri disegni sicuramenti interessanti come gli ultimi . . .

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tequila Mojito Alcoholic %

ProtoTipoGrafico Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero

Proto type graphic
11 and 12 February 2010 @ degree in Design, Faculty of Architecture of Alghero Angelo Attilio Baghino.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Foods To Be Avoided With Overactive Thyroid


Uno dei primi a rispondere al mio invito (vedi qui ) ad inviare foto o progetti di modifiche o personalizzazioni all’Adiva o altri scooter nell’ambito dei “coperti” è stato Monsieur Raymond Tardino thank him publicly for the fidelity to the blog and for permission to publish his drawings.

The source that is more authoritative, as Mr. Tardino is a former designer of Aprilia and France sends its projects (see the hand of pro!), For the transformation of Yamaha T-Max in a "all-weather", also increasing the cargo.

tells us that even in France (despite being one of the first countries to market Benelli Adiva-first, calling it "full time" under the Renault brand, ed), users of two wheels still look with suspicion in the "covered", distrusting of the project as is the case in Italy even more.

As designers we have to wait because the almond-eyed take an interest in a scooter covered?
When they decide to do it here ready-made solution :

BMW-C2 M,progetti scooter coperti,scooter tetto,scooter coperto,scooter coperti,parabrezza scooter,tergicristallo scooter,pioggia scooter,scooter cabrio,scooter tettuccio.scooter inverno


A completamento, here is a rare image of two T-Max British equipped with waterproof construction:

t-max coperti

Needless to say, apart from the hard cover and no folding the Ada approach is very evident! !

Thanks again to Mr. Tardino appearance and your many other articles. . . .

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Imformation About Godfather

Skill and customization. .

As we all know, in fact, the Adiva is NOT a scooter : born and raised as a progetto ben preciso che tende a trasferire su due ruote tutte le possibili comodità che ci possono offrire le quattro (ruote) cercando di evitarci però le controindicazioni.

In quest’ottica ci siamo avvicinati al mondo Adiva acquistando, insieme allo scooter, l’idea di un mezzo che rimane in bilico tra le due grandi categorie (auto e moto ), pronto a segnare una strada nuova nella mobilità non solo urbana.

Foto0013,scooter usati,scooter tetto,tettuccio scooter,scooter cabrio,scooter coperto,scooter coperti,scooter pioggia,tergicristallo scooter

L’utente Adiva usa lo scooter tutti i giorni ed ognitempo esattamente come gli altri usano l’auto, non si pone mai l’interrogativo : prendo l’auto o l’ Adiva? It takes just Adiva , and that is why it tends to accessorize and customize more than other bikes.


then I do not want (I hope) my fellow "Adiva" if I "stole" the photos of that event and if the public so that we can not just copy the project, but also ( if possible) to improve or design of similar.


Surely you can see problems in the presence of side winds, but just think 'the same setup installed on the next "three wheels" thus exploiting the full stability: we may not be perfect in the presence of the scooter?

Foto0015,tetto scooter,scooter tre ruote,copertura scooter,scooter cabrio

I hope that this resourceful Adiv we read and shows us the stages of its customization and meanwhile launch an idea: those of you who made changes and improvements to the medium in terms of waterproof, windproof , anorak, cargo or other? Why not send the photo and description of the job even if craft?

you look up as always: !

Professor Layton And Pandora's Box Tea Recipes

February 11, 1990, south africa

20 years ago Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years in prison. The man became a symbol of the fight against apartheid. A celebration of February 11, so. Yet, in addition to the historic date in himself and what he represented for the sake of the liberation of South Africa, this date should be cause for reflection and shame. Yes, shame. Shame on you for 27 years in solitary confinement for an innocent man, a man "guilty" of wanting to bring justice in a country that had none. I am ashamed to live in a world that allowed such a mess. Ashamed to look at the face of this old man who is idolized today ... while 20 years ago and one day he was in prison, in jail for innocent! Turning 27 years of his life like that! Do you know how long 27 years? I've got 25 and if I look back I know exactly what was the duration of my years in the same way and I realize how long it has been 27 years in prison Mandela. Let's think about this, think about how many activists are forced to prison, segregation regimes that control their countries. There are hundreds of them. I think, then, that we should not celebrate dates, but to ensure that there are no such injustice!
Just days ago, reading the new Clint Eastwood film Invictus, appearance reflected the worst 27 years in prison Mandela: the absolute silence, absolute inactivity the world. Silence that has allowed crimes and misdemeanors and the detention of a man for 27 years. How do we, then, to celebrate this anniversary with a light heart aware of a similar, shameful silence?
How do you celebrate when you're out there is filled with the right people who are in the same situation?

Monday, February 1, 2010

How Much Is The Cost Of Bowling Machine

read, read, read - March 26, 2010 - the first national experiment

I read a bizarre initiative bookish theme expected to be held March 26, 2010. Virtually everyone is invited to buy a book on that date, and give it to the first stranger that comes to shooting, all this to encourage, in theory, reading in the Italic population obviously very concerned to get a book, even a small book in his hand. The idea starts from this blog and dall'apposito group on facebook, the guy in question invites those who wish to participate to put aside timidity, shame and so on. and to make this gesture of giving to a stranger (the street, on public transport etc.). a book, even his own book of my heart! I do not know what this initiative can be successful both in terms of membership, both in terms of actual involvement of the masses Italic little accustomed to reading, but I think it's very, very admirable as an initiative! And I hope that it will have broad appeal! So anyone who felt like, put aside their shyness, March 26 can give a book to a stranger without risk (perhaps) of being taken for mad!