Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Politician In Leather

thing I love

I received this nice prize-meme by Federica . The game consists in listing 10 things I like and then said in granting the award-meme to 10 other bloggers. Well, let's proceed ...

1) I like to write! Well, there is little to comment on, I think it is widely understood, is not it? Otherwise I would not be here! Writing for me is everything, everything. It 's the whole world contained in a few lines: in each row is a piece of the world, life and emotions. It 's a great power!

2) I like the literature. I love reading and "knowing" other people, places, customs by simply opening the pages of a book! It helps to bring forth the imagination and open your mind!

3) Like Feminism. Well, more than "like" is a vocation, a mission, a need to reiterate the violence and discrimination against women should be eradicated from this world, no ifs, ands or buts. It is possible that there are still children that they should regret to have been born female, they should ensure that every child, girl and woman is free to live and be what you want without having to constantly fear for their safety.

4) Like the nineteenth century English, which corresponds to my romantic ideal for excellence!

5) I love sweets! And I like ... because they do not hardly ever eat! My mother never had much sympathy for the desserts and then did not prepare anything, tell her to prepare for tons of homemade pasta, meat, vegetables etc.. and will do ... but do not tell her to do the desserts! If I can give her an apple pie is fat that runs every so often! So since I do not eat sweets almost never ... I like this happen to me because when I pray I do not shoot!

6) I like the ornaments! Trinkets, knick-knacks various! I have a bookcase full of ornaments and I like them because they give me joy and color to my room!

7) I like everything that is British: music, cinema and literature. Everything is baked in the UK I like it! Aho, British do it better!!

8) I love Milan! Milan fans are from when I was little! Legend has it that when I was little I loved to Milan and I always said I wanted to live there ... and then it seemed natural to cheer the team the city that I loved so much! Then a growing passion in Milan I went ... Milan's passion but no! Always and only Forza Milan! (Hoping they will spend a few dollars more for the next recruitment drive ...).

9) I like the drawings! I spent my childhood drawing and I was also pretty good! Then, alas, growing up I have not cultivated the design, perhaps more seriously, and for that I am a little 'sorry, however, continue to love the drawings, comics, etc.. and I admire those who can draw! And then in general are attracted to colorful things!

10) I love Wikipedia! Ahhhh, I love Wikipedia! When I need news about someone / something I'm immediately on Wikipedia and I get lost for hours among its pages, jumping from one link to 'more! It is to get an education!


Well, here are some things that I love! Now I pass the ball to 10 bloggers, but since it seems too simplistic, to say that people who spend time here and wish and can take the prize-meme and do it! Everyone is invited to try out!


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