Friday, April 23, 2010

Demo Mount And Blade Limit


in Italian cinemas today released a very interesting film, it is Agora ( trailer) by English director Alejandro Amenabar , appreciated director The Others and The Sea Inside . His latest work tells the life (and death) of Hypatia of Alexandria , perhaps the first woman philosopher, astronomer and mathematics of the ancient world. Hypatia lived in a context and collided with a world that did not accept that a woman would scorn the life that was considered right for women (a wife and mother) in favor of a life of study and knowledge, above all, Hypatia lived in a context in which religious fanaticism was the master, fanaticism that "justified" the most violent actions in the name of a faith that, at least in theory, should not glorify violence. Hypatia wanted intolerance and fanaticism of any kind were deleted and why she died. She was uncomfortable: uncomfortable because the woman in a world dominated by men, just uncomfortable because they preached against intolerance and blind folly. Hypatia was murdered, cut in pieces, slain by a group of Christian fanatics probably mandates or at least "inspired" by Bishop Cyril, who is a saint for the Church. Hypatia is a martyr, just like those, just like all those who paid with their life the right to have their say, except that some martyrs are remembered and others, too uncomfortable, they are simply ignored.
Religious fanaticism exists today, has different forms - from the most violent to the most devious and winding - and acts through other channels, but the substance is the same: the will to fight those who think differently the urgency to prevent a free expression of ideas of others, and this still happens every day in the world today ... as in Italy. Hypatia So how many are in circulation, which may not pay with blood, but pay the same price to have only expressed their opinion?
Questo è un film che dovrebbe essere visto e che dovrebbe far riflettere. Questo film ha rischiato di non uscire in Italia, c'è stata una grande mobilitazione nel web per far sì che venisse proiettato. E' certamente un film scomodo... e per regola, di solito le cose scomode sono proprie quelle cose che DEVONO essere viste.
Chissà che forse vedendolo tutti insieme non si dia forma ad una ritrovata consapevolezza su quanto il fanatismo di qualsivoglia natura sia dannoso, criminale e stupido.


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