Saturday, March 20, 2010

Whats Name Of Lucky Movies

campaign for the Nobel Prize for Peace 2011 African women

Vi voglio parlare di una campagna che è stata lanciata con l'intento di far attribuire in 2011 the Nobel Prize for Peace to all African women. A continent torn by war and disease, poverty and injustice, especially battered by fanaticism. A continent battered by the madness that destroys all men. And the only shoot of hope for Africa are women, with their courage, their ability to bring life and justice, their strength. It is the women that keep the continent ... it is they who pay the highest price, it is they who have a life more difficult there, they are colliding more often with discrimination, violence, mutilation and death, and because they represent the only hope! And we know that hope is what being fought over by the madness of his men who bea brutality. But African women are strong and are not accustomed to surrender and prove their worth every day, despite the difficulties, despite everything. For this reason, the Nobel Prize is only right for these women! For this is a must, through this award, to recognize the undeniable truth that if there is a future for that continent and the whole world will be only by women.

The Africa walks with the feet of women. Always been accustomed to cope with everyday life and the challenge of survival, Every day hundreds of thousands of African women through the streets of the continent in search of lasting peace and a dignified life. Most of them are up to 10-20 km to bring water to the family. Then go, by foot, to the market, where all day selling what little 'who, in the evening to bring home the need to feed their children. Thus repeating every day the miracle of survival. Markets are crowded with women in African cities. In a rainbow of colors, where together with the exchange of goods, we find the joy of living and the warmth of conviviality. Often the children on their shoulders that do not yet walk. Or running around them and the noise of children, whose care is completely entrusted to them. Sometimes, even if they are not their children. Because of wars and diseases in Africa, women are ready to accept, in the family, children orphaned.
are mostly women working the fields in a land that rarely belong to them, just because women. For that they control 70% of agricultural production, producing 80% of consumer goods and ensure 90% of their marketing, it is almost always prevented from holding a piece of land.
Tens of thousands of small businesses that African women have organized through micro-credit in all economic sectors: agriculture, trade, small industry. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of organizations of women involved in politics, social issues, health, peace-building. And women are those with more consistency, ensure, in Africa too often marked by poor governance and corruption, hope for change and democracy.
are African women who, under almost impossible because of sexism, polygamy, lack of interest or absence of men, continue to defend and nurture the lives of their sons to fight against mutilation genitals, to treat the weakest and most defenseless.
are African women who, faced with the abuses of power, they can stand up to defend their rights trampled.
Inside the tragedy of war suffer the punishment of the fathers, brothers, husbands and children doomed to slaughter. To snatch children and children forced to become soldiers and to kill. for them then for their bodies and their people, if they were spared from death, it is often prepared the worst of the violence, which might save their lives, but always striking for the soul.
Women are the backbone supporting Africa. In all areas of life, from housekeeping and children, economy, politics, art, culture, environmental commitment.
For this, Africa is no conceivable human future, without their active and responsible participation. Today without the women there would be no tomorrow for Africa.
induscutibile Certainly the progress that African women have made in political, economic and cultural cooperation at all levels. But this does not represent a drop in the ocean in the enhancement of their skills and their commitment.
why we want to launch an international campaign. Why is formally and officially recognized this role, too often forgotten. In our world, marked by a crisis that is not only economic but also human, African women, with their humble protagonist, may indicate a new way to manufacture on a more just and more humane coexistence. may become an investment for the present and the future not only in Africa but around the world.
Both the international community to find the right forms, including by giving the Women of the African Nobel Peace Prize in 2011, to introduce, develop and propose as an example his commitment is so important for human growth in Africa and the world.


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