Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Elevated Heart Rate After Tattoo

Kathryn Bigelow: the queen of the world!

Each year, the controversy around 8 March, whether it is a party to celebrate or not, goes crazy and there are many women feel a great foolishness, because just a few still recall the origins of this anniversary, let alone understand the deep meaning of a day that goes beyond mimosas and chocolates, but that goes in the right recognition of women as beings who are entitled to dignity. Therefore, it seems that the right way to "celebrate" March 8 is to recognize the value of women, what their field. And Women's Day 2010 has done just that! Yesterday a woman, a director who works hard for twenty years, received his award, the largest award for a filmmaker: The Oscars. Kathryn Bigelow is the first woman to win an Oscar as best director ... and the prize is delivered from 1928 ... mica hand yesterday. So far very few directors have had the nomination in a category always been the prerogative of men Lina Wertmuller, Jane Campion and Sofia Coppola. Women courageous film that brought their vision to the screen the seventh art. But none of them had ever been awarded, preferring their blockbuster all the usual names and millions of cash. But this time things went differently, in spite of the predictions.
The Hurt Locker, a film about the war in Iraq dated 2008 and passed almost unnoticed, at least in Italy, which cost 15 million dollars we won the multi-billion dollar James Cameron's Avatar , succeeded to win over his special effects in 3D, on those who think that the future of cinema is made of billions of strange goggles, special effects ... and nothing else. But cinema is quite different: thrill! It does not emotion price and has no computer to perfect as can resuscitate ... because emotion is the imperfection, even the imperfections! The first imprefezione of Silent Cinema, Cinema of the Fifties the imperfection, the imperfection of the actors ... and this is not what makes the perfect cinema? The craft of cinema must survive the billions, even 3D ...
Little Bigelow's film won the giant Cameron and once again it appears that the Cinema's suggestion that there has not been approved, do not confuse us with the most ... but to assert our individuality and to reaffirm that we have a right to exist as we are.
The triumph of Bigelow demonstrates that the value of women, whatever their field of action, which is immense and should be valued as if it were the company would gain huge advantages. The triumph of Bigelow demonstrates that women are able to cross all boundaries, which are able to excel in everything. The triumph of Bigelow demonstrates that women are tired of waiting to get what you deserve and want to get it now, after centuries of prejudice and discrimination. The triumph of Bigelow suggests that we not be afraid of being "small" against the "giants", because even the small wins ... more often than it might seem! This Triumph teaches you to persevere in their work, to believe in it ...
This triumph shows one more thing ...
Ex-wife takes ex husband 6 (Oscar) 3: James hello hello !!!!!!!!!!!
We hope that this is only the beginning of a long series of triumphs for women ... Keep dreaming the Cinema of imperfection, that of the smaller films, the small stories, that of simple emotions and immediate ... That Cinema that lurks in our hearts and that does not need glasses strange to win our souls ...


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