Monday, December 21, 2009

Mini Cars Playstation 2

scooter to believe. . .

neve,scooter neve,scooter coperti,scooter tetto,scooter pioggia,moto neve,moto inverno,scooter inverno,parabrezza scooter,parabrezza moto,tergicristallo moto,tergicristallo scooter,gomme da neve,gomme da neve moto,gomme da neve scooter,pioggia scooter I think I share the thought of all those who have made the scooter a philosophy of life (or rather, a philosophy of movement!), describing the frustration of those days snow and ice even at low altitude when , for work or to move anyway, we must necessarily resort to 'self (our own or someone else!).

fatigue Repressed desire to go out looking for scooters chains (not
not so much the problem of finding them, as to be able to mount!), Once freed from the snow and the bike after tried to do a few feet slipping and embarking ,
we give convincing a cercare un'auto disponibile.

scooter coperti,tettuccio scooter,tetto scooter,pioggia scooter
Generalmente la si trova anche se non " nostra " (devo ancora vedere uno scooterista "coperto" che si vanta di possedere anche un'auto, praticamente mai usata; casomai è l'auto di "famiglia", della moglie, dei figli, della compagna, ecc.), ce ne appropriamo per cause di forza maggiore (tanto tutte le attività non strettamente necessarie degli altri membri della famiglia sono rallentate o soppresse causa maltempo) e ci avventuriamo in questo " amarcord "

Se eravamo arrivati ad abiurare l'auto in tempi normali causes congestion in traffic, lu
ngaggini, congestion, etc.. let alone now with snowy and icy roads, emergency vehicles, motorists more clumsy than usual, small lanes and so on and so forth. . . walked a few meters we repent bitterly
to be canned, but we know they had no choice then. . . stoically endure!

But endure only until they reach their destination when , numerous rounds
concentric unknown to us one way streets and long snakes semifermi culminating in the absolute impossibility of finding a parking space (real and authentic drama that concerned us from the start!), there are blurted in assorted curses and imprecations new and colorful with the solemn and vowed never to use the car even in the event of environmental catastrophe, confident that with the advent of three-wheeled covered can be overcome, in the saddle, even very bad weather as the car (but without the stress to which we can not ever get used!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How To Build A Bmx Diagram

come mogol

Non so se posso paragonarmi a Mogol... ma anche io sono una paroliera, ora! Sì, esattamente! Ho scritto un testo che poi è diventato una canzone! Quindi mi sento un po' come Mogol...
Non so raccontare a parole (per quanto io sia piuttosto bravina con le parole...) quanta was the excitement when, yesterday evening, I listened to the song for the first time! E 'was moving ... incredibly, totally, wonderfully moving! Hear their words read by someone it's exciting, but hearing his words into music is a thousand times more exciting! I thank my friend Serena Sabatini - a wonderful singer, musician and wonderful person in particular - for making music in a sublime way my text, did a great job! And having played with such passion, elegance and delicacy! Thanks!
Well, before I begin to mount his head seriously, I leave you to hear the song!
By Silvia Ponzo, Serena Sabatini
"One of my lines"
Sing Serena Sabatini

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where To Find Wax Underwear

the convergence of the. . . Another Italian

I I propose and found this wonderful video (note the high quality of images!), focusing on projects to create a product that could combine advantages of ' car and motorcycle (the convergence of the...), stating the various BMW C1 (also including the new electric-drive model), Adiva (with a wonderful service on the living room Tokyo with innovative models that we have already spoken), Mp3 Piaggio, Peugeot , etc.. and several studies (and prototypes already gone) four-wheel independent, narrow-track driver and a passenger behind the other or side by side.
's all in English, but quite understandable even to those who do not chew much. . . anyway. . . look!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Latest Inventions In Biology

istantanee dalla fiera...

Here is the photographic record of what happened at the booth during the Fair more books Ibiskos freer. Even helped by my sister, I got a good success Sales! Many onlookers have approached the booth (undoubtedly called by Cristina and me, more and more tempting sirens ...), have browsed the book, I have questions about the plot, about how and why I have this idea came, they admired the billboard ad that I designed (with a limited edition bookmarks!), have complimented (and amazed at my young age), wished me to write other novels ...
And I signed more autographs and dedications!
But I will let the pictures taken by my brother to talk ...

Cristina and I

The billboard with slogans and drawings (made by me), also glimpsed bookmarks!

Oddiooo, which was strange expression doing! Scary!

This was probably repeating the usual mantra "this is my first work!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Streaming Katesplayground

più libri più liberi...

This year will be held in Rome with the customary Fair of Small / Medium More publishing books free from 5 to 8 December at the Palazzo dei Congressi EUR.
And I, after successo dello scorso anno , replicherò!
Sarò allo stand della mia casa editrice martedì 8 dicembre dalle ore 16,00 alle 18,00! Stand B-16 della Ibiskos Editrice Risolo! Chi è di Roma e dintorni e volesse venire a trovarmi... mi troverà lì!
Vi aspetto!!!
8 dicembre, stand B-16 Ibiskos Editrice Risolo, dalle 16,00 alle 18,00.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Discovery Online Cheats

ogni giorno è il 25 novembre!

This year, he returned Nov. 25 to recall and reaffirm that violence against women is a crime that must be stopped by any means, because such a shame it is no longer tolerable. Worldwide, every minute, girls, girls, women, elderly continue to suffer the worst humiliation and ugliness in the name of blind madness male does not find peace, which has no end. We need concrete facts, of awareness, awareness, yes, there is no other way to change things if not with the knowledge and the time of silence, omertà, turn the eyes to avoid seeing it ended: this is the time to raise our voices to be heard, is the time to take a position, it is time to fight. As long as male violence against women will not be eradicated and must be, we have no more patience to wait. The news reminds us every single day what is the urgency, what is the urgency to act to change this world and then we no longer have to be unprepared, but we need to know exactly what you need to do, what we are asked to make this system the best possible. We do not turn his eyes, never! We are not, do not be complicit in the violence! Do not leave, do not leave women alone! NEVER! And first, I turn to men: Do not forget that you are the first to have to change your mindset has to change first ... and the rest, then, will follow.
conclude with a simple invitation, which is the first step towards the full and complete awareness, we should not reduce us to be those that highlight the date, the applicant and the next day if they forget. We must not be easy to "ceremonies"! Biosgna honor the purpose of the November 25 every day!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Designer Denim Clause

roof. . . !

For the first time, a manufacturer of scooters " normal, organizes and sells an accessory designed to completely transform its model in a scooter covered :
is Malaguti that variants provided for his blog 125 or 160, also provides for the allocation of a roof complete with windshield wiper and , publicizing all as a new way of experiencing the concept of the second auto.

Here is the description from the site of Malaga

tetto scooter,tettuccio scooter,scooter coperto,scooter pioggia,scooter freddo,scooter d'inverno,traffico,traffico città,soluzioni traffico,alternativa auto
To increase comfort even in winter Malaguti now offers the new roof on the BLOG 125-160 , a new way of experiencing the concept of the second auto.
Born to a specific request of the Japanese market, the new roof of the blog has now attracted great interest in the European market because it is the most practical and economical to turn the scooter in a vehicle that offers shelter from bad weather and cold without neglecting the comfort and convenience of mounting the windshield is attached to a hull additional locked the front shield with 6 screws.

The wraparound windshield is offering adequate protection from air and rain. Among its features are the high transparency and specialetrattamento scratch. It can mount an optional wiper activated by a switch on the new hull. The connection is ensured by the use of two current tap and a simple wiring diagram.
The roof is made of fiberglass and is supported by two aluminum tubes, accompanied by a pair of bumpers, attached to a metal handle anchored directly to the rear of the scooter. This application allows for easy assembly of the 30-liter trunk.

scooter you ride always with the helmet but with the advantage that there will be no fogging of the visor and the drops that hinder your view.

If while away from a project and fully articulated
dedicated as the Adiva and the BMW C1 (now proposed to date, as we shall see below), this choice is an important step in the landscape of urban mobility, and even if pushed forward mainly by the Asian market, innovation is certainly also to expand in Europe, making at least a modicum of justice has always believed and those who have worked in the field of two-wheelers all year. "

Commendable initiative although, of course, this is a robust enhancement and rational as you want but still an afterthought, with the limits imposed by this condition : windshield fixed to a hull add to the body to be established further, added wiper system activated by I do not know how reliable electric (battery and all wiring will be able to support the overhead of a full day of rain?), inability to add any kind of baffle (Adiva and the owners are well aware of the irreplaceable value of the baffles , especially the side), and some significant advantages : windshield scratch proof, back with strong anchoring ability to cover also the passenger, aesthetics altogether pleasant.

In conclusion, we record the good news as hopes for an awareness of the manufacturers to the segment of " covered" virtually ignored until now, hoping that the scooter will discover this "industry" counterclockwise "that would alleviate a lot Traffic el 'pollution of our city!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Want To Buy Tech Deck

salons. . . .

Despite the absence of all Adiva 'EICMA in Milan (choice shared by other manufacturers in the likes of Honda and Yamaha), the home of Benevento (especially the eastern branch), decided to attend the TOKIO MOTOR SHOW 2009 (From 24/10 to 04/11/2009, dates almost concurrent with the EICMA), presenting the range of products that we know
with the addition of two projects absolutely innovative.

The fact that, despite the crisis, Adiva wanted to attend the show in Tokyo rather than Eicma (always in the company of Honda and Yamaha also have chosen the window instead of the Eastern European ) says a lot about Consist
ence of the Asian market and the consequent penetration rate of scooter covered in the eastern sector than in our country (and Europe in general), as already discussed in our post precedente qui .

Innanzitutto una notizia : i due progetti innovativi di cui parliamo non comprendono il tre ruote che tutti aspettiamo con curiosità, segno che, nonostante il prodotto sia probabilmente finito e pronto ad essere lanciato sul mercato (come confermato anche da molte voci sul nostro forum !), la casa vuole davvero attendere una consolidata ripresa commerciale prima di lanciare un modello che dovrebbe avviarsi ad essere la punta di diamante della produzione.

Non comprendono il tre ruote quindi, ma si tratta sempre di due modelli del tutto particolari.
Il primo è uno citizen high-wheel scooter full electric propulsion
(similar to "free" of Piaggio) with a removable battery under the seat and the normal battery power supply.
flat platform, integrated set top box, drum brakes and pedals !

reaches and maintains 40 kmh and performance, maintenance costs and the purchase was intended to equate to a normal scooter with 50cc engine, with the notable and significant difference of total respect for the environment zero emissions and acoustic exhaust.

mostre scooter,saloni scooter,esposizioni scooter,motociclo,motocicli,scooter freddo,scooter pioggia,tettuccio scooter,scuter coperti,parabrezza scooter,scooter elettrici,scooter batteria,scooter per l'ambiente
While the second project is a three wheels. . . a bit 'special absolutely in line with market trends in the eastern motorcycles transporting persons or property arising from more or less directly or tricycle rickshaws Chinese :

preserves the aesthetic Adiva ( handlebar, saddle, forks, windshield wipers, fixed-roof this time), but becomes expanding the car with the dual rear wheel likely to carry especially heavy loads (see small photo below right) or second (and possibly third person ).

do not know the engine, but this should also be equipped with electric propulsion with a lithium battery.
ecoscooter,scooter ecologici,motori elettrici,dueruote elettrici,ciclomotori elettrici,ciclomotori a batteria,scooter a tre ruote,tre ruote,tricke

In conclusion we note that a productive ferment, if not in our region is expressed with the expected news, shows, however, that if the application is consistent Adiva responds with leading-edge products is perfectly suited to the market that will satisfy.

For our part, we have to wait for the marketing dell'agognato three-wheel, hoping that the growing interest in this project and for the scooters are covered in general (at least judging from the posts of our forum ) can induce the house to speed up the exit!

Difference Between Blender And Grinder

Small Imprimeurs

The association of Salento Specimen asks where to get a game like "little printer" for an educational workshop on history of printing. In stationery kits are modular office for stamps as Trodat Typo , with the characters very small. The old kit were a bit 'simpler and more manageable , but are now almost exclusively at flea markets. There are also kits for larger alphabet stamps scrapbooking , but usually have only one stamp per character. In a lab, perhaps the best solution is do-it-yourself: cut out the characters in a rubber-like material Eva and then paste lettere a dei cubi di legno tutti della stessa altezza, da poter comporre per la stampa.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Longest Range For Walkie Talkie

Industrial espionage. . . ?

No, it is industrial espionage, as the product of which we speak has been previewed by the same manufacturer at the 2008 EICMA , even if the two movies appeared on YouTube and then promptly taken from the specialized site after you tell a navigator, look very image of a stolen prototype being developed.

is the Adiva Trick, the new three-wheel of the house of Benevento, which promised to carve out a slice of the cake's unique prerogative Piaggio MP3 combining security and stability of three wheels to the comfort and protection with typical production Adiva now.

In the films we see an impromptu test (very impromptu), which proves the medium (with the front two wheels coupled to the nose but no factory we saw at the presentation) in a short but tortuous path located within an industrial area.

Apart from the quality of the images, the impression is that this is a 200 cc (remember that the engine will probably peak of the house, oriented to give up to 400 cc for heaviness and marketing difficulties related to the price) that shows an 'excellent agility in the slalom and improvised, it seems, a good maneuverability .

Adiva Recall that the solution to the three-wheel uses an innovative project completely different from the patented four-sided articulated by Piaggio, which allows you to bend far less (although enough for agility town), but has the great merit of not sink in the front brake , to the benefit of driving stability and safety of travel.

The marketing has been postponed and we will not take place before the middle if not the end of 2010 , certainly to enter a market, hopefully now out of the economic crisis that has slowed sales in recent months.

conclude placing great hopes in this way that, especially if offered at a relatively low price (and the drive 200 would allow), it could really solve many problems of urban mobility and extra on medium-range, ensuring safety and protectiveness in all weather and all-terrain and demolishing any reticence on the part of those who believed the car the one and only vehicle able to offer the same features.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Used Harnesses Paragliding For Sale

improprio 039::: Merry Moments garze asphalt

timbri, inchiostro, garza / stamps, ink, gauze by Li Dandan, Paolo Fausone (Laboratorio di Comunicazione Visiva, Politecnico di Milano)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Routeplanner Voor Fsx

boils the pot of the alternative to the car. . .

Almost every day, springing up like mushrooms ideas and prototypes for more or less likely, the intent of the designers, to replace the car least in urban centers.

Commendable is the intent and appreciated that any attempt shows, however, what is now the frantic rush to free ourselves from slavery town on four wheels.

ttwone02_m,auto elettrica,scooter elettrico,scooter per città,scooter ibrido,propulsione elettrica,scooter coperto elettrico,energie alternative,scooter da città,tre ruote scooter,auto tre ruote,auto a tre ruote,tre ruote per la città,basta auto,città senza auto

Sembra oramai che il progetto tre ruote possa costituire la base per ogni realizzazione d’avanguardia, vuoi per la strada aperta dalla Piaggio con l’MP3 che ha convinto i costruttori della bontà dell’idea, vuoi per le caratteristiche del telaio del tre ruote che si prestano, molto più che le due ruote, ad ospitare una culla coperta oppure un abitacolo che possa almeno parzialmente sostituire quello dell’automobile .

Tra le novità che sembrano avere una certa rilevanza costruttiva e progettuale, segnaliamo il TTW One , nome provvisorio for this project that saw the birth within the Politecnico di Torino and aims, in the intentions of its inventor Stefano Carabelli, as the forerunner of a new set of vehicles identified as PCV (Personal Commuting Vehicle ) designed to give a substantial shift to the concept of urban mobility.

ttwone03_m,scooter ibrido,scooter coperto ibrido,piaggio mp3 ibrido

This is a prototype one-meter wide and a little more along with the interior space for driver and passenger and seeks to combine agility and maneuverability of the typical two-wheeler with the comfort of an automobile passenger compartment, (practically utopian dream of every one of us!).

Then three wheels can fold (like MP3), two-seat, closed cockpit and a cell hybrid engine that can push even at considerable speed.

Excellent speech passive safety, with the closed cell to prevent strokes and tilt to protect the occupants (such as BMW C1), while for the active, wheel drive and ability to bend at 45 degrees combined with brakes make it a highly respected among the safest vehicle.


Given the protectiveness, driving with only one license B and without the use of the helmet (but with the belts , again as the BMW C1).

Despite the hybrid reduces fuel consumption and emissions, still retains an acceleration from a standing greater than a maxi and a top speed electronically limited to well 180 km / h .

TTW One is equipped with a parallel-type hybrid-electric powertrain: the gasoline engine while the rear moves two electric motors are directly placed in the front wheels.

combustion engine has a displacement of 850 cc . and, if combined with two electric motors, allows you to travel 100 km with just over two gallons of fuel or cover a distance of 25 km - the average distance between home and work - zero emissions, making the electric propulsion alone.


undoubtedly more "stylish" and attractive compared to other works (made in Italy can be seen, and how!), Is definitely a project to watch, even if it seems to me just raise a few reservations about all'ingombro that in order to sit the two occupants side by side, must be forcefully that much more pronounced in the larger scooters (the manufacturer claims a meter!), thereby minimizing handling and agility in the queues and traffic lights.


Can I get half the protection you want, but if I tag along cars at traffic lights because I can not sneak in the ranks, or if I can not overtake the column keeping me by the center line, then I buy a Smart car and I enjoy the benefits of a real cockpit!

Another objection I would raise on price (currently unknown), with which will be marketed.

Given the technological solutions, (I think only two of the three electric motors), surely reach a sale price much closer to that of a car rather than that of a scooter, and at this point the dilemma recurs: then I buy a car and will also encourage out of town!

That said, however, still applaud the initiative (and inventive!) And wait for further developments. . . and you? what you think about it?


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family Tax Benefit Calculator 09

But in summer, the roof of the scooter. . . dismounting ?

Modular protection system : Adiva so they called in the ability to configure the scooter according to the needs of the pilot but also as a function of changes in the weather.

adiva che si apre,adiva,scooter coperto,scooter tetto,scooter estate,tetto scooter,scooter protettivi,scooter tre ruote,benelli adiva,scooter usati,scooter innovativi

Unlike the previous Adiva (by Benelli) where the roof he could only fall back inside the rear trunk , at present the scooter designers opted to give the pilot the opportunity to close it course in the trunk, but also remove it completely with the simple removal of two bolts and put it on hold for the future "rainy season".

This solution is undoubtedly intelligent and "democratic," he obviously created two distinct schools of thought : the " disassemblers " summer of the roof and the " covered" all year round (not I considered the "folded " occasional as not belonging to any of these two categories, "strong").

I am definitely in the category of "covered" tutto l’anno e vado a spiegare il perchè di questa scelta di vita.

Innanzitutto la capacità di carico del baule (che si mantiene valigie però anche smontandolo completamente, direte voi !) : avendo da tempo eletto lo scooter ad unico mezzo di locomozione, l’enorme spazio sul retro mi serve quotidianamente come il pane.

Provenendo come ho detto dal vecchio Adiva, dove l’unica alternativa era appunto quella di ripiegarlo, ho escogitato tutte le soluzioni possibili per ricavare spazio anche con l’ingombro del tetto chiuso (borse conformate per infilarsi tra una piega other plastics, unstuck moquettatura part of the trunk to take advantage of the interstitial spaces), but nothing compares to the capacity of the room is completely clear.


Then there's protection from sun : I walk at least 50 miles a day and have them with the blazing sun is no joke, I raised the roof provides shade as a passenger compartment of car and I can not boil like a lobster when they are stopped at traffic lights .

Shelter smog or dust in general
: a turn in the summer months without roof and then one month and compared with the top of the windshield inside the state. . . how much more dust have eaten in the first case?

protection. . . excreta or other bombardment piccione flying and protection from the scorching sun seat, panel and plastics in general: agree that the scooter is designed for outdoor living and in all weather conditions (or almost!), but I bet that these components will have longer life with the roof open all day?


protection from sudden rains, I know . . siete abituati bene . . d’inverno con il tetto, il Termoscud e una giacca antiacqua chi vi ferma più ? Ma ora siamo d’estate, piove a dirotto causa improvviso acquazzone, il tetto lo avete tolto, il Termoscud lo avete smontato e messo via (oppure lo avete arrotolato e legato allo scudo ed in questo caso, vi voglio vedere srotolarlo tutto sporco ed infilare le gambe sotto il pelo con 35 gradi di temperatura esterna !), infilate di corsa il k-way ma le gambe ? E i vostri mocassini di camoscio ? Chi li proteggerà dall’acqua ?

Per quanto riguarda la ventilazione non c’è problema, non cambia assolutamente nulla in tema di frescura tra tetto aperto o tetto chiuso : l’aria la si prende lo stesso e quella che toglie il parabrezza la toglie sia a tetto chiuso che aperto quindi . . per quanto mi riguarda, il dilemma non si pone e vado a tetto aperto tutto l’anno e voi . . . cosa ne pensate ? Aspetto i vostri commenti . . .