Saturday, December 19, 2009

How To Build A Bmx Diagram

come mogol

Non so se posso paragonarmi a Mogol... ma anche io sono una paroliera, ora! Sì, esattamente! Ho scritto un testo che poi è diventato una canzone! Quindi mi sento un po' come Mogol...
Non so raccontare a parole (per quanto io sia piuttosto bravina con le parole...) quanta was the excitement when, yesterday evening, I listened to the song for the first time! E 'was moving ... incredibly, totally, wonderfully moving! Hear their words read by someone it's exciting, but hearing his words into music is a thousand times more exciting! I thank my friend Serena Sabatini - a wonderful singer, musician and wonderful person in particular - for making music in a sublime way my text, did a great job! And having played with such passion, elegance and delicacy! Thanks!
Well, before I begin to mount his head seriously, I leave you to hear the song!
By Silvia Ponzo, Serena Sabatini
"One of my lines"
Sing Serena Sabatini


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