Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pan Stills In Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5

four wheels!

This post is not covered scooter, but in the field of innovations in ai mezzi da usare tutto l'anno merita sicuramente una citazione ed un posto di tutto rispetto.

Sopra volevo usare la frase " novità
scooter tetto,scooter coperto,scooter coperti,scooter tre ruote,scooter 3 ruote,scooter 4 ruote,scooter quattro ruote,scuter coperti,scooter pioggia,adiva scooter,scooter tettuccio,non bagnarsi in scooter,tetto scooter gonfiabile,pioggia in moto moto coperta,moto con tetto,scooter con tetto,adiva ad3,adiva tre ruote
relative alle due ruote " ma non ho potuto perchè qui di ruote ne abbiamo addirittura . . . quattro !

Non si tratta ovviamente di un'auto ma di uno scooter vero e proprio che avrete senz'altro visto (o di cui avete sentito parlare) all'ultima edizione dell'EICMA appena conclusa.

Parliamo di una linea completa di veicoli (a tre e quattro ruote) prodotta dalla Quadro Tecnologie of which he is co-owner Luciano Marabese of Marabese Design, the father of the project three-wheel Piaggio MP3 .

After a decade of studies, the house has developed its own system of hydraulic oscillation that is applied to the scooter products and provides exceptional handling and road holding in all conditions.

The concept of urban mobility is then taken up alongside the maneuverability and agility of a scooter to security and stability of four wheels (albeit a very narrow track of course).

The range includes the now a model three-wheeled motorized and a 300cc 4-wheel motorcycles with 500cc
authorization presenting some interesting new construction.

sure the project is very interesting not so much for the 3 wheels, after all, is a replica of the Piaggio MP3, but for the 4 wheels that can really open the way for a new philosophy of vehicles equipped with exceptional stability.

As always, the security problem is not taken into account, even though rumors, signal the willingness of the house to achieve the same models covered (although surely coverage fixed) and even an off-road model (type quad narrow-track, so to speak!).

We will be able to talk about that in the meantime check out this enjoyable video presentation:


Spritual Marriage Cards

wiper mandatory?

pioggia,scooter pioggia,scooter tetto,scooter tettuccio,adiva tetto,adiva tre ruote,adiva 200,scooter coperti,scuter coperti, scuter tetto,bagnarsi in scooter,adiva tre ruote,adiva ad3,adiva 3 ruote,scooter usati,scooterusati,viaggiare in scooter,scootermania,scooter mania,scuter,scooter bagnato,parabrezza scooter,tergicristallo scooter
rains, it rains and it is still raining. . . It rained a lot this year and forecasts say it will rain again and then. . snows too much.

Despite this, in our cities and tang
enziali is increasingly common to see movimento di scooter che sfidano il maltempo pur di muoversi più agevolmente (e trovare parcheggio !!).

Naturalmente per la stragrande maggioranza sono scooter normali (scoperti), anche se, fermo al semaforo con il mio tetto che mi copre, sempre più spesso mi trovo a dover rispondere a domande circa il mio Adiva (che il " puro scooterista italiano " cominci magari a capire che non è più di moda bagnarsi come un pulcino a tutti i costi ?).

Sono numerosi quindi coloro che sfidano le weather on two wheels only protected from rain jacket and windshield (increasingly common in scooters) but. . . have you ever tried to drive a scooter with the windshield but, of course, no wiper ?

course I have tried as it is obvious that you wondered how the hell do you do not invest the first pedestrian crossing!

The wet windshield, often scratched, dirty or matted, it is virtually impenetrable and added to the visor of the helmet studded with droplets creates a dangerous situation certainly not negligible, not to mention that, with the humidity, tends to tarnish also externally with tragic consequences for the visibility.

Very often I find myself using the only wiper to wipe the film of moisture and I really wonder with what degree of security to travel people (99%), the wipers do not have it.

I truly believe that our rules of the road, more and more devoted to the protection of security, should consider this aspect of the world on two wheels, by imposing somewhat the introduction of a wiper all the manufacturers that provide the windshield in their scooters. . what do you think?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Clansphere Wow Template

we like. . . we do not like. . .

tre ruote,scooter tre ruote,tre ruote coperte,scooter con tetto,scooter tetto,ad 3,adiva tre ruote,MP3,scooter pioggia,tetto scooter,tettuccio scooter,telo copriscooter,scooter usati,scooterusati,bagnarsi in scooter,tettoia scooter
Closed EICMA 2010 with record turnout, we can not but comment on the product that all aspects: the ' ADIVA AD3 !

E 'comment, however, still a part as that seen at the fair is once again a prototype, certainly much closer to the finished product as proposed two years ago, but still not the version that ride (hopefully) starting this summer.

We must say that the scooter is the most automobile that there is , really conceived as a second car and, as such, should be considered.

We like it. . . .

the gritty : beautiful front deck that incorporates the double wheels in the front fairing of a kind, of course, automobiles.

The track is low and the front shock absorber seen in the exhibition will then be replaced by a double arm (thus responding to the many readers who expressed doubts about the strength of the mono support! ).

The platform is lowered and, in conjunction with the leveling rear seat that allows the pilot to retreat at will, promote and satisfy even the most senior pilots (thus solving another question expressed by the readers!) .

Nevertheless 'and despite the wheelbase was significantly shortened (to the advantage of handling), the saddle has been expanded and is now a full-face helmet + 1 jet, finally releasing the boot from' space helmet (this really wonderful, that leaves the entire volume of the bauliera intact, considering, che, grazie ad un gioco stilistico, è stata aumentata la capienza di ben 8 litri , trasformando l'AD3 in un veicolo ben più capiente di una Smart !!).

Novità importanti anche nel frontale che vede sparire i montanti reggiparabrezza per favorire lo sviluppo di un guscio avvolgente e notevolmente protettivo (che probabilmente si estenderà in basso sino a riparare le gambe del pilota), da cui spuntano solamente gli specchietti retrovisori ed il tergicristallo e che culmina in alto con un riporto inspessito al quale viene fissato il tetto retrattile tipico Adiva.

Finalmente sparito l'anacronistico housing "Motorad" and two speakers mounted in the upper part of the tunnel, disappeared as the two side open pockets (now more exposed to weather), in favor of a wide peak door with a key that will certainly more useful and usable (subject to the possibility of staying the navigator on the handlebars!).

Consequently, reposition (better) some of the heating vents hands and feet to the facility which will be offered as an option (or standard in 300 cc?).

Here we are in fact the motorization (For now) only two displacements: 125 or 300 cc.

Motors are Kymco and we would like to praise this choice because the engines are concerned conceptually new, powerful and reliable scooter proposed recently by the landscape (see the sales figures and the flattering comments about the last Kymco products).

Apart from the 125 cc, produced almost exclusively for the foreign market (remember that the market share in Italy Adiva is minimal compared to the penetration of foreign markets, laws here!), Which will still be a just enough engine for this vehicle, il 300 cc ci sembra il compromesso giusto , come avevamo già anticipato , per fare di questo scooter un " ognistrada " (oltre che un "ognitempo").

La strumentazione riprenderà l'ultima serie dell'AD con il cruscotto formato da 2 cilindri con gli indicatori all'interno ed il manubrio (se pur ingiudicabile in quanto incompleto anche nel prototipo), sembra rimarrà piccolo e maneggevole come piace a noi.

Ancora due parole sulle ruote che saranno da 13" le due davanti e da 14" quella dietro, con frenata ripartita e combinata su 3 dischi che sicuramente non farà rimpiangere the lack of ABS (unless it is then inserted in the list of options at the time of sale).

The price obviously is not received (due to missing nearly a year on marketing), but there are rumors about 6500 € for the 300 cc, a figure that seems very much in line as the vehicle.

We do not like. . .

for the moment the choice of the windshield without media, beautiful aesthetics and visual for the pilot, but leave us perplexed robustness especially in the items to work and more frequent (attack of the roof) and passive safety: in the windscreen pillars is the same at the time of a collision off enough support. . . What will happen with the wrapping?

is fine saddle streamlined and "modular" as the driver but a step "lumbar " distances than would be desirable, especially in medium to long!

Components: ingiudicabile at the moment is because it is just a prototype, as real as you want but still a prototype, however, we appeal to you to plastics manufacturers and assemblages also improve significantly compared to the latest versions Adiva that, in some places, showed more than a shortage.

memo / request for a small but useful little accessory useful light in bauliera !
I do not know what a relief it would be for someone like me, use the trunk like a roof rack and avoid search far and wide in search of gloves and when the night is based. . course. . . it's raining!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Power Supply Sata Adapter Radio Shack

ne fait pas tout machine's @ 121 +

The machine will fait pas tout. Il faut ...
2-color lithograph with Atelier Vostok
121 + Library in Time
Via Savona 17 / 5, Milan
15 & 16 November 2010 from 10.00 to 18.00

A two-day workshop with Alexis Roma and Claude Marzotto Atelier Vostok to discover the photolithographic printing process by placing a hand plates, rollers and inks. Forget about the process and come to explore the world of advertising in two color patterns: impact graphics and amazing combinations! / A special two-day workshop with Alexis Rom and Claude Marzotto ( Atelier Vostok ). Learn the process of photolithography and discover the tools of the trade, with photo plates, rollers and ink. Forget the quadrichromy and explore the fantastic world of two-color advertising: striking graphics and unexpected combinations!