Thursday, January 14, 2010

Knight Arcade Fighter

haiti, una nuova cicatrice

What is happening in Haiti apocalyptic: a magnitude 7 earthquake that devastated, destroyed, crippled the Caribbean island. The numbers, alas, as always in these cases are appalling: 100 000 deaths ... many people still under the rubble, there are those fears even the 500 000 victims, Dio non voglia. Le scosse (anche questo come di consueto) continuano a ripetersi, dopo quella mostruosa delle 16,53 locali del 13 gennaio, e ciò non fa che peggiorare una situazione già disperata da principio. Vittime, centinaia di migliaia di senzatetto, chiese, strade, palazzi ridotti in macerie, l'allarme tsunami in agguato che ci ricorda un trauma troppo recente per essere cancellato. Quanti bambini senza casa, quanti vecchi, quante persone disperate.
Questo copione continua a ripetersi con macabra precisione. E continua ad andare in scena laddove le difficoltà del quotidiano si fanno sentire maggiormente che in altri Paesi del mondo. Non so, non so davvero spiegare tutto ciò. Sono simili catastofi natural to remind us of our human frailty when you break down so badly on us. They are similar disasters that strike us to the heart and leave traces that hard to kill, there remains a scar for life. Asked me about the meaning of it all.
Why such violence? Why such rage? It 'really what we deserve, what they deserve, first, the unfortunate victims of these tragedies? Yes, the discourse about humanity poisoned by hatred, evil, the evil that must be punished for its actions does not make a grim turn ... but, really hitting innocent people who just miserable to be that because of that is good and right way to punish humanity this disarray?
I'm not entirely sure. No.
I think there is a flaw in the system, if you really think (those responsible) that it is right to send such disasters as a warning only and always to the detriment of individuals already fortunate than them, there is so much Evil in this world, to be hunted, which to discount the sins ... Yet, who really does hurt if the quarry always, always. It is the innocent who pay for them, obviously.
We c'interroghiamo fearing souls and the moment of loss and despair, we call to him for solace and answers. Yeah. So what? So why such and such violence is descending on Poverty and never, never, on sinners? This is not a good way to do justice and right, oh no.
pray for the souls of the victims and hope that the aid gear to start operating soon and best to bring comfort to those who need it.
I hope the ground stops shaking and give time and opportunity to make space in the rubble.


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