Thursday, January 28, 2010

Whey How Long Results

IPAD, a name

The name iPad is a really unpleasant name. In addition to being too similar to Ipod, absorbent pad in English also means. A few years ago MTV made fun of the Apple with a new product called precisely Ipad. Here's the video.

Samantha Anderson Wedding

goodbye to the young Holden

Jerome David Salinger
1919 - 2010

Today is probably dead, or rather certainly, one of the most great writers of the twentieth century: JD Salinger, author of the legendary Catcher in the Rye . Elusive a writer whose life is shrouded in mystery after the publication of his masterpiece, nel 1951, si è praticamente ritirato a vita privata, vivendo come un recluso per oltre mezzo secolo. Poco si sa di come ha vissuto, ma Il giovane Holden rimarrà per sempre un cult... e forse non abbiamo bisogno di sapere altro di lui... forse basta ciò che ci ha lasciato in eredità con le sue parole...

A chi non l'avesse ancora fatto consiglio la lettura de Il giovane Holden: un'esperienza che non lascia indifferenti.

What Happen To

Ipad unhappy, it lacks the Flash browser

Ipad is essentially a big iPhone, and carries with it all its faults. One of these is the lack of Flash technology in its browser. Nell'Ipad you can watch YouTube movies with an application, but Youtube is just one of many sites that use Flash movies and animations. If I want to see a movie from another platform Youtube web that is not why I was denied. Certainly
Flash poses usability problems for sites that use it but Apple to avoid instability of its systems to prevent all users to use it and therefore limits the freedom of decire what to do or not do with your iPad.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Installing Sliding Shower Rod

the iPad, another fake revolution

few hours ago Steve Jobs has launched a revolutionary new medium: the IPAD. Apart from the name, which seems an ugly distortion of the iPod, it's nothing new: as usual. As always, Jobs is good at to appear as something exceptional and something never seen before in reality already exists. Only he can pack it all in a setting of great expectation. He then adds an eye-catching design and here is a new product ready for fans of Apple.
The IPAD is intended as a device somewhere between a phone and a notebook. But as Jobs said the iPhone has the same operating system so there is no multitasking. But how do you use a computer without multitasking? Even on the symbian phone has the ability to do two things simultaneously, with the iPhone and iPad not.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mary J Blige Message In Our Music Sample

January 27 giornata della memoria: quale logica o legge di vita potrà mai spiegar la diabolica impresa di quegli uomini eletti?

Like every year, January 27, Memorial Day, remember where you can go back to the bestiality of man. And the indifference pave the way for such stupidity. Yesterday and today, we are all guilty and we must all work to combat the brutality that lurks within us. Then they did a few ... and many died. The reflection is never enough when the story calls us with a loud voice to remind us what we're capable of if left to vent our stupidity. As we reflect on the easy prejudices are able to alter our views and how they can be terrible and irrevocable consequences. This is Jan. 27. This is every day. Remember rhymes with improved, as human beings worthy of existing.

To honor the memory and promote reflection, we mark a song by Carmen Consoli is the argument that the Holocaust, as always, the Sicilian cantantessa can describe the horror with depth and sensitivity the camp.
A sip more - Carmen Consoli
remember the cold exhausting the faint cries of my people
crammed into a crowded freight train
two days and two nights without sleep
and soon we stopped talking
I remember the day that the grueling cold
lost for ever our children
hungry thirsty deprived of our clothes
and it was like swallowing glass
and soon we stopped talking
and Soon we would have ceased to understand
and I learned to always drink a sip more
and I learned to always drink a sip more
than they'd really need
than I had really need
one day I might be thirsty
I remember the fear of exhausting the cold sink
in a bed of hot coals
what logic or law of life can never explain
la diabolica impresa di quegli uomini eletti...
e ben presto avremmo smesso di parlare
e ben presto avremmo smesso di capire
ed ho imparato a bere sempre un sorso in più
ed ho imparato a bere sempre un sorso in più
di quanto ne avessi realmente bisogno
di quanto ne avessi realmente bisogno
un giorno potrei avere sete.

Browsing the web I found a series of poems written by survivors of Auschwitz, one of these I was particularly impressed and I decided to post it.
Chocolate true of Stewart J. Florsheim
I drew out of the cabin
with promises of chocolate
and words such as "Schatzchen"
but the other women knew
and, even before hearing the noise out there,
called me a bitch soldiers.
I also knew,
but hunger has his own way to change you,
and make you forget who you are.
Funny, how there can be hope in despair.
threw the chocolate on the floor
and laughed: "From Fribo. "I desired to die for,
but the flavor was muddy." Dreh dich rum, Judenschwein. "
huge boots I saw blacks, pairs and pairs
and the ground so muddy
plunge from my body.
I pulled up my dress prisoner and spread my legs.
They were so light and so were opened easily
that thanks God, I knew
I would not have resisted.
This body is not mine, this hunger;
finally, there is no reason to fight.
I wonder now if their desire for me
was a longing for death:
fuck a bald woman who was just skin and bones ,
whose only salvation was a cup of watery soup
for dinner, a slice of bread,
and perhaps, if the soldiers had wanted again,
this time, a piece of real chocolate.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tuesday Night Car Auction Kansas City

The battery does not last long and you can not change

Back to update the blog after a long pause. The absence is certainly not due to exhaustion of the shortcomings of the iPhone, as there are still many.
We speak today of one of the most well-known shortcomings: the battery. The battery lasts a very short but you can argue that it is in all the modern smartphone. In reality, the iPhone takes much less and not always connected to a phone like the iphone (even to listen to the radio!) Is a major weakness which means that you can not use fully. Often those who make great use of a cell phone buy a spare battery so when during the day did not provide an electrical outlet can replace the battery and continue to use the phone.
Among the many freedoms denied the iPhone there is also this. No one except Apple can put his hands in the battery. We must bring in assistance and only they can replace the battery.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Knight Arcade Fighter

haiti, una nuova cicatrice

What is happening in Haiti apocalyptic: a magnitude 7 earthquake that devastated, destroyed, crippled the Caribbean island. The numbers, alas, as always in these cases are appalling: 100 000 deaths ... many people still under the rubble, there are those fears even the 500 000 victims, Dio non voglia. Le scosse (anche questo come di consueto) continuano a ripetersi, dopo quella mostruosa delle 16,53 locali del 13 gennaio, e ciò non fa che peggiorare una situazione già disperata da principio. Vittime, centinaia di migliaia di senzatetto, chiese, strade, palazzi ridotti in macerie, l'allarme tsunami in agguato che ci ricorda un trauma troppo recente per essere cancellato. Quanti bambini senza casa, quanti vecchi, quante persone disperate.
Questo copione continua a ripetersi con macabra precisione. E continua ad andare in scena laddove le difficoltà del quotidiano si fanno sentire maggiormente che in altri Paesi del mondo. Non so, non so davvero spiegare tutto ciò. Sono simili catastofi natural to remind us of our human frailty when you break down so badly on us. They are similar disasters that strike us to the heart and leave traces that hard to kill, there remains a scar for life. Asked me about the meaning of it all.
Why such violence? Why such rage? It 'really what we deserve, what they deserve, first, the unfortunate victims of these tragedies? Yes, the discourse about humanity poisoned by hatred, evil, the evil that must be punished for its actions does not make a grim turn ... but, really hitting innocent people who just miserable to be that because of that is good and right way to punish humanity this disarray?
I'm not entirely sure. No.
I think there is a flaw in the system, if you really think (those responsible) that it is right to send such disasters as a warning only and always to the detriment of individuals already fortunate than them, there is so much Evil in this world, to be hunted, which to discount the sins ... Yet, who really does hurt if the quarry always, always. It is the innocent who pay for them, obviously.
We c'interroghiamo fearing souls and the moment of loss and despair, we call to him for solace and answers. Yeah. So what? So why such and such violence is descending on Poverty and never, never, on sinners? This is not a good way to do justice and right, oh no.
pray for the souls of the victims and hope that the aid gear to start operating soon and best to bring comfort to those who need it.
I hope the ground stops shaking and give time and opportunity to make space in the rubble.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Paper Sailboat Template

beppe fiorello contro la violenza sulle donne

After the Christmas break, begins the work of the blog.
I want to point out a new spot on violence against women, wanted from ' Penelope Association, which sees the collaboration of Beppe Fiorello as performer and director of the movie.
The spot focuses once again on how frequently the phenomenon of domestic violence and how little it is denounced by women who do not perceive domestic abuse as a real, concrete, real violence. And you do not complain. Awareness is important and in this sense, we must continue with similar initiatives to finally open their eyes to women about what is the true face of violence and how to fight it: we must not bow his head and suffering, we must continue to plug la bocca! Bisogna farsi forza e smascherare i colpevoli!
Continuiamo e continuiamo e continuiamo a ribadirlo!