Monday, December 21, 2009

Mini Cars Playstation 2

scooter to believe. . .

neve,scooter neve,scooter coperti,scooter tetto,scooter pioggia,moto neve,moto inverno,scooter inverno,parabrezza scooter,parabrezza moto,tergicristallo moto,tergicristallo scooter,gomme da neve,gomme da neve moto,gomme da neve scooter,pioggia scooter I think I share the thought of all those who have made the scooter a philosophy of life (or rather, a philosophy of movement!), describing the frustration of those days snow and ice even at low altitude when , for work or to move anyway, we must necessarily resort to 'self (our own or someone else!).

fatigue Repressed desire to go out looking for scooters chains (not
not so much the problem of finding them, as to be able to mount!), Once freed from the snow and the bike after tried to do a few feet slipping and embarking ,
we give convincing a cercare un'auto disponibile.

scooter coperti,tettuccio scooter,tetto scooter,pioggia scooter
Generalmente la si trova anche se non " nostra " (devo ancora vedere uno scooterista "coperto" che si vanta di possedere anche un'auto, praticamente mai usata; casomai è l'auto di "famiglia", della moglie, dei figli, della compagna, ecc.), ce ne appropriamo per cause di forza maggiore (tanto tutte le attività non strettamente necessarie degli altri membri della famiglia sono rallentate o soppresse causa maltempo) e ci avventuriamo in questo " amarcord "

Se eravamo arrivati ad abiurare l'auto in tempi normali causes congestion in traffic, lu
ngaggini, congestion, etc.. let alone now with snowy and icy roads, emergency vehicles, motorists more clumsy than usual, small lanes and so on and so forth. . . walked a few meters we repent bitterly
to be canned, but we know they had no choice then. . . stoically endure!

But endure only until they reach their destination when , numerous rounds
concentric unknown to us one way streets and long snakes semifermi culminating in the absolute impossibility of finding a parking space (real and authentic drama that concerned us from the start!), there are blurted in assorted curses and imprecations new and colorful with the solemn and vowed never to use the car even in the event of environmental catastrophe, confident that with the advent of three-wheeled covered can be overcome, in the saddle, even very bad weather as the car (but without the stress to which we can not ever get used!)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How To Build A Bmx Diagram

come mogol

Non so se posso paragonarmi a Mogol... ma anche io sono una paroliera, ora! Sì, esattamente! Ho scritto un testo che poi è diventato una canzone! Quindi mi sento un po' come Mogol...
Non so raccontare a parole (per quanto io sia piuttosto bravina con le parole...) quanta was the excitement when, yesterday evening, I listened to the song for the first time! E 'was moving ... incredibly, totally, wonderfully moving! Hear their words read by someone it's exciting, but hearing his words into music is a thousand times more exciting! I thank my friend Serena Sabatini - a wonderful singer, musician and wonderful person in particular - for making music in a sublime way my text, did a great job! And having played with such passion, elegance and delicacy! Thanks!
Well, before I begin to mount his head seriously, I leave you to hear the song!
By Silvia Ponzo, Serena Sabatini
"One of my lines"
Sing Serena Sabatini

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where To Find Wax Underwear

the convergence of the. . . Another Italian

I I propose and found this wonderful video (note the high quality of images!), focusing on projects to create a product that could combine advantages of ' car and motorcycle (the convergence of the...), stating the various BMW C1 (also including the new electric-drive model), Adiva (with a wonderful service on the living room Tokyo with innovative models that we have already spoken), Mp3 Piaggio, Peugeot , etc.. and several studies (and prototypes already gone) four-wheel independent, narrow-track driver and a passenger behind the other or side by side.
's all in English, but quite understandable even to those who do not chew much. . . anyway. . . look!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Latest Inventions In Biology

istantanee dalla fiera...

Here is the photographic record of what happened at the booth during the Fair more books Ibiskos freer. Even helped by my sister, I got a good success Sales! Many onlookers have approached the booth (undoubtedly called by Cristina and me, more and more tempting sirens ...), have browsed the book, I have questions about the plot, about how and why I have this idea came, they admired the billboard ad that I designed (with a limited edition bookmarks!), have complimented (and amazed at my young age), wished me to write other novels ...
And I signed more autographs and dedications!
But I will let the pictures taken by my brother to talk ...

Cristina and I

The billboard with slogans and drawings (made by me), also glimpsed bookmarks!

Oddiooo, which was strange expression doing! Scary!

This was probably repeating the usual mantra "this is my first work!