Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Motorguide Kayak Motor

leafing through magazines. . .

For some time I have taken aim at motorcycle magazines, (a friend newsagent accomplice), who flip through weekly consultations and to support a certain idea that I have done and that now I can consider a half-certainty: the complete indifference of the press to the world of scooters or protective cover in general!

We own them, use them, enjoy them and we can not do without, we do not know how to explain why this phenomenon of total denial, as if it were a category that does not belong to the world of wheels.

Okay means that niche, which do not like young people because they are not streamlined (debatable!) and why do not like their friends; the purists do not like them because they believe the mutants between motorcycles and cars (we have already said that no one wants to compare street bike!) not like to women because they believe (wrongly!) too heavy and unwieldy. . . but from here to completely ignore the existence riviste moto there running!

And instead in magazines there is no trace of scooters covered (or rather, there is sometimes the price, advertising the home, but we do not speak road tests or articles on the subject!).

In fact, the magazine " riding" (one of the commercial and general), in addition to advertising also hosted a small test drive of ' AD200 , drop in a sea of \u200b\u200bpublications dedicated the two wheels, almost every week, include a new title or a new head, (but how do they sell them all?).

Instead of giving proper emphasis to this great alternative to the car, instead of encouraging the spread (at least like the other brands) as the winning idea urban mobility, speed of movement of and environmental protection, the class is relegated to an occasional appearance, as if the products of this species had a weird prototype a manufacturer eccentric. . . will be political? will the pressures of the big motorcycle manufacturers?

punto interrogativo be satisfied for the moment we do advertising by word of mouth and resign ourselves to the usual questions of passersby: "but what kind of scooter is it?"

What do you think. . . . ?

Pain In The Body After Drinking Cold Drinks

improprio 037::: alphabet Cordel

alphabet of string / alphabet de Cordel de esparto /
string type string, wood blocks / cordel de esparto, tacos de madera / string, wooden blocks

Xevi by Sala, Escola d'Art d'Olot (thanks to Cristina Simon)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Watch Kutumb Episodes Online For Free

Issues forum!

Our forum we must have. . . heard!

We have not even finished announcing the achievement of the 100 posts that is. . collapsed !

We apologize to all visitors ers and are working to transfer everything to a new platform although this will result, inevitably, the loss of messages and threads.

I hope to return to messages, and discuss how and more than before.

For the moment, post comments on articles, we will publish all!

A presto . . .

P.S. : siamo ritornati al vecchio forum che sembra aver rispristinato la sua funzionalità, però parte dei messaggi sono andati persi . . . siamo davvero spiacenti !

Friday, April 24, 2009

Husband Going Ia, What Bah Will I Get?

editions on view @ Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Barcelona

Ovo Games [*] , prints and sheets of silicone As an egg (étant women) [*] , book experimental
Omaira's machine stampapatate Brown's , self-inking letterpress printing

Pattern For Tutu Ballet

Arétypif @ Plaça Sant Just, Barcelona

23 April 2009, Barcelona: Feast of Sant Jordi. At Imagine
Book, the printing machines Sciuscià Novelty Proof Press door in the square and typing vermouth. / Barcelona, \u200b\u200bApril 23rd 2009: it is Sant Jordi day. Proto types goes out the street with the small presses and
Bailey's Shoeshine Novelty Proof Press to print (and pour out) Some cool vermuts.

Inurl Multicameraframe ?frame=

Mondo @ Space abyssal Bilbao, Bilbao

BILBAO ¡THE WORLD! April 2009 @ Galería Garabat / Espacio abisal

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ver Online Dragon Ball Doujin

improprio 035 ::: erbario d'impronte

herbarium Fingerprint /
imprints' herbarium
plants, clay, ink stamps / plants, plasticine, ink by Margaret Perugini (Laboratory di comunicazione visiva, Politecnico di Milano)
Margherita: "
L'idea di usare fiori e materiali naturali è nata dopo una prima esperienza in aula, dove abbiamo rilevato l'impronta da alcuni tessuti. Le texture più interessanti spesso non erano abbastanza in rilievo per creare dei timbri leggibili, così ho fatto qualche esperimento con degli oggetti che avevo sotto mano: il fondo zigrinato di un barattolo di acrilico, il tappo di un pennarello... Soddisfatta di queste prove, ho deciso di tentare con fiori freschi o secchi, foglie, rami, pigne, appartenenti al mio giardino, formando delle composizioni ispirate alle stampe giapponesi di Hokusai. Con la pasta modellabile are unable to reproduce the texture of thin bamboo strips, the roundness of pine needles or slight overlap of the petals of a flower. You could use this method, for example, to create a herbal or floral prints .

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Precautions Chemotherapy Family

Invitation to the forum. . .

scooter usati,scooter coperti,scooter cabrio,forum scooter,forum scooter coperti,forum scooter cabrio Più che un post, un invito a visitare e arricchire il nostro forum che ha toccato e superato i 100 messaggi.

Molti gli amici scooteristi "coperti" che hanno partecipato e molti anche coloro che si avvicinano al mondo di questi scooter che hanno cambiato e cambieranno (speriamo !) la mobilità urbana e a medio raggio.

Interessante anche la sezione " spunti ed idee " rivolta ai progettisti Adiva con i contributi degli utenti per migliorare i prodotti o i suggerimenti per le nuove versioni.

Da un primo veloce esame delle discussioni si può rilevare una diffusissima disinformazione circa le caratteristiche e le proprietà degli scooter coperti, parallelamente però ad un crescente interesse verso questo settore che comincia a coinvolgere anche il mondo femminile e qualche scooterista " giovane ", questi ultimi generalmente orientati verso altri tipi di scooter say less "serious".

To note also the average level of satisfaction of the pilots of these that is certainly more than good , to emphasize the reliability and security features of the medium.

on them, reflected the feeling that the holders of "covered" feel part of a particular category especially proud of their choice and determined to defend it strenuously unconventional view of the objective quality of scooters compared with traditional competitors .

remember that the forum is open to all and NOT need registration: just visit and leave your opinion or question in this case the answer is not long in coming. . . We await you!