Friday, March 20, 2009

Has Anyone Tried The H20 Mop?

choose the helmet. . .

scooters are covered, as in all other bikes, the helmet is the ultimate accessory, and the only compulsory to wear when you go on a bike.

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The only exception to this iron law shall be granted to holders of BMW C1, which compartment built to rigid cell and tested as such, provide a hedge against the impact of wraparound, and then release the driver from the helmet (but are compulsory seatbelts , as in car) to take the pilot firmly anchored inside the vehicle and prevent it from shocks.

We have serious doubts about the convenience of riding (even with the C1) without a helmet
and in fact, less than only short paths and citizens, in long stretches (and highway), often the drivers of BMW C1 helmet shall be in place to increase the ride comfort, quietness and better protect themselves from cold weather.

Nell ' Adiva however, given the retrattibilità roof and at the slight texture dello stesso, il casco è ovviamente obbligatorio ma . . . quale scegliere ?

A prescindere dalla qualità e dal materiale di costruzione che vedremo poi, la differenza sostanziale è tra integrale e jet : con uno scooter altamente protettivo come i coperti, dotati di parabrezza rigidi e alti, l'integrale non necessita assolutamente.

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Essenziale nelle moto aperte, dove l'impatto con l'aria è totale e violento, negli 
scooter coperti l'integrale risulta senz'altro superfluo, scalda maggiormente d'estate ed occupa più posto nel riporlo.

Il helmet is certainly the ideal , you can also wear
with the visor up, (the protection of the windshield is more than enough), and you are wearing and storing it in a moment (not to mention that, at least on the AD , the space helmet "courtesy" under the seat contains at most a jet and not so big, certainly not a full!).

As for materials, most helmets are fiber ( composite or glass ) or polycarbonate .

helmets generally choose the cheapest as the construction material il policarbonato in quanto, in caso di urto, la struttura tende a creparsi ma a resistere nel suo insieme (trasferendo così però vibrazioni e sobbalzi alla testa), mentre i caschi in fibra hanno la prerogativa di assorbire l'urto distribuendolo sull'intera superficie danneggiandosi, ma evitando rimbalzi e sobbalzi a testa e collo e risultano quindi più confortevoli in caso di urto: bisogna comunque dire che è preferibile un buon casco in policarbonato piuttosto che uno in fibra di media qualità, senza contare che il casco in fibra può danneggiarsi irreparabilmente anche semplicemente cadendo dalla sella della moto !! 

Oggigiorno are very fashionable helmets in carbon fiber : they are beautiful to behold and have their lightness and strength, but by contrast and despite what you say, are not absolutely the most robust specimens in fiber or polycarbonate and cost But five times as much.

It's always good, however, rely on brands that have passed the certification SNELL American as well as the ANSI approval European American is a guarantee of severity and safety requirements very high.

In conclusion, unless you are irresistibly attracted by the miracles that can airbrush create your new helmet carbon fiber helmet purchase a good or excellent in a polycarbonate, which fits perfectly controlled and that the padding will completely wrap his head and ears, and indeed, for the first few times you wear it, it is good that you Whereas a little bit string will sell over time as a normal feature of things.

And if you have long hair and do not you want me to stay straight on the head like spaghetti when you raised it at a fraction of the price Tucano put up for sale (at least until recently!) A retina wicker (yes, wicker lounge chairs like Grandma's!) cross-shaped to be inserted nell'imbottitura helmet contact with the hair to create a thick comfortable with air circulation to avoid the effect of "porcupine".

As a last recommendation I can give: except for the helmet "reserve" that can 'be unnecessary, for your helmet every day you claim certainly padding and removable labavile ( although that is very popular now!) and wash at regular intervals. . . every time you wear your helmet smelling of perfumed detergent will renew the desire to ride a bike!


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