Monday, December 8, 2008

First Auditions Mediafire

improprio 033 ::: timbro surrealista

surrealist stamp / stamps surrealist
by claude

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vintage Police Cars Sale

Proto tipi in Italic 2.0

Italic 2.0. The design of characters in contemporary Italy by
Perondi , Marta Bernstein De Agostini - Aiap, Novara 2008 Proto types make their appearance in the "teaching". In the picture presented to the panel in the exhibition '
Icograda Design Week in October in Turin.

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Proto tipi in Typo 32

No. 32 section by Silvia Sfligiotti and Marta Bernstein

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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Fondi di cassetta

The flea market offers for Els Encants Atelier Vostok new funds to hire and some flourish reminiscent of Joan

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Virtually-jenna Cervix

Xinciso @ Capo di Ponte

X Etched August 26, 2008 @ MagutDesign and LS graphic design.
Tablets 10x7 cm in wax, plaster, linoleum on which to engrave with improper means and ends of various types map to a path of rock art in the parks: one subject declined to the perception of experience, the instrument, the support of engraving.

selection of 24 boards for the printing of a poster in 10 specimens. Printing inks and printing baren.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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But what is the real revolution of the iPhone if you have all these defects che ho elencato nei precedenti post (e tanti altri che devo ancora pubblicare)?
L'iphone ha portato un nuovo modo di navigare in internet. Finalmente le pagine si vedono complete ed intere, come al computer. C'è la possibilità di zoomare le parti dello schermo. Poi non c'è più il pennino per cliccare sullo schermo ma basta un dito. Bisogna ammetterlo queste due cosa da sole sono già rivoluzionarie.
Peccato che già altri cellulari li avessero già prima dell'iphone. Cellulari non osannati e pubblicizzati come l'iphone.
Un po' come la rivoluzione di Windows Vista. Tutti le caratteristiche innovative in realtà erano già presenti su Linux e sui Mac da alcuni anni.
Ecco la Apple è rivoluzionaria because the vast majority of users do not know these new features and managed with skillful marketing move to make known to all.
for the average user why the iPhone is extraordinary. Accustomed to old phones on the market it seems there is nothing like that. The problem stems from the fact that the comparison should not be done with the media but with the top. With cell phones top the iphone there is not even close to the shortcomings and limitations described in the previous post

Monday, August 25, 2008

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Why the iPhone is a revolutionary alternative to the iPhone: LG KC910

the new smartphone will be released in October of the LG KC910. This is of course a touch screen mobile phone with wi fi and GPS with geo-tagging of images. The most important is the camera: 8 megapixel. Oltre ad una elevata risoluzione sono presenti:
* ace detection (permette di scattare foto di gruppo rilevando fino a 9 volti e regolando di conseguenza fuoco e esposizione)
* smile detection (la foto viene scattata solo quando viene rilevato il sorriso sul viso dei soggetti)
* blink detection (lo scatto viene bloccato se la fotocamera rileva che il soggetto ha gli occhi chiusi)

Inutile ribadire che anche questo cellulare è superiore all'Iphone per quanto riguarda la fotocamera, il GPS e tante altre funzioni assenti invece nel cellulare di casa Apple

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not can search their contacts into the iPhone

Nell vecchio Iphone non si potevano cercare i contatti in rubrica. Solo recentemente con l'aggiornamento del firmaware è Staco correct this bug. This is a big problem if a person has a lot of numbers in the phone book and if you only remember the name but not the name. IPhone can not find the name but you can only scroll through the contacts. It can be as ridiculous as defect for those few dozen people but think of professionals who have thousands of contacts.

Post edited August 26

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addition to not having the lead voice the GPS of the iPhone is really very poor. When one moves to reach the destination map does not move. The blue dot, that is where we are at that moment, it is out of the map. To move to the next must Displayed click on the screen.
So the navigator is very convenient for those who must drive.

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Iphone Iphone is slow says Wired

is published today on Wired a survey on a sample of 2600 users of iPhone 3G owners around the world. According to this survey, the iPhone appears to have a slow connection. After the news of the defective chip , admissions by Steve Jobs now this study also confirms what we already knew. Once again the question of obligation, "but the iPhone, according to many, was not to revolutionize the way you use internet on my phone?"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

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lawsuit against Apple

Here comes the first lawsuit against Apple for the iPhone 3G. In dance there are always the same problems slow connection . The legal action has been taken by someone who accuses the U.S. of Apple false. He advertised the iPhone with connection speeds exceeding twice the EDGE version.

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Code fake to attract customers in Poland

We've all seen the news program files Apple fans wait in line for hours to be the first to buy iPhone 3G. The same scene occurred in Poland. Here, however, there was an admission by the leaders of the Orange mobile operator distributor of the Apple Iphone. In fact, in Poland the files were figuaranti. Servive only to attract customers and curious. Finally someone has noticed that it is not so amazing the Iphone: the Poles. At this point, however, is the doubt that in other countries were long lines of people paid for this purpose.


call voice-activated iPhone missing

Another small thing, perhaps not so used, but certainly present in all phones on the market in recent years is the call to voice command. You know when you say the name of who you want to call and automatically starts the call? Very useful for example when driving a car or simply not to lose too much time looking for a number in the phonebook. Even this is not what the iPhone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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Iphone updated, but remains slow

E 'got the update 2.02 of firmaware Iphone, weighing more than 250 megs. They were disappointed those who expected it to be solved the problem of slow connection. There is still a bug related to the Chipeta Infineo n that the EDGE network rather than UMTS. In short, this bug, that Apple was ready to correct as soon as it is still present.
Steve Jobs said: "We are working on some reception problems affecting about 2% of iPhones sold and we hope to provide a software update soon." To all iPhone
good navigation.

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Crash Iphone

Still problems for Apple Iphone 3G. A reader of the site AppleInsider reported a problem opening the downloaded applications from the App Store. Apparently going to crash very often (to the face of the known stability of Apple). E 'was Steve Jobs himself in person to respond by saying "This is a known bug of the iPhone and that will be corrected in the next software update in September."

The problem appears with the temporary operation of the program chosen then immediately closes by displaying the Home screen of the iPhone. It seems to suffer only programs that are downloaded from the App Store and not the standard iPhone.

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applications on the iPhone makes your life easier?

I read this item t and I was amazed

Carlo Bruno writes that in his opinion:
So this is news, it's simple ... you can use ...

He adds:
Simplifying the maximum possible the use of an instrument, otherwise the most difficult to break the barriers of access to technology.

But what we're talking about simplifying? As soon as the iPhone was released on the internet is people asking: "How do I send MMS?", "How do I put mp3's as ringtones?", "How do I listen to the radio?". Things that people with their phone that they were so simple but that is complicated with the iphone.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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is coming Android GooglePhone the

E 'news today that the FCC, the American authority control of telecommunication equipment approved the first mobile phone HTC Dream with Google Android. Some
indiscezioni should come out at least as early as September for U.S. users.
Here is a short video of a prototype

Monday, August 18, 2008

Stuck Windsurfing Mast

Multitasking? Do not shake the iPhone iPhone

Multitasking is now inevitable on any computer. For the uninitiated would have the ability to use multiple programs simultaneously. Apple has seen fit to extend the life of iPhone battery to eliminate the problem at its root. Will no longer be possible to use more than one program at a time (eslusa background applications from Apple).
What does this mean? Me give you one example. You're playing a game and you get an MMS, ah, you can not already receive, we will get a text message. Non potrete fermare il gioco per leggere il messaggio ma riceverete la notifica dello SMS solamente una volta terminato il gioco e chiusa l'applicazione.
Il multitasking ce l'hanno tutti i sistemi operativi, ma l'iphone non era equiparato ad un computer?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Small Lumps On Cervix Images

L'iphone non è poi tanto resistente, guardate qua:

PS: Prima che qualcuno mi dica, sarebbe successo anche con un altro cellulare, voglio far capire che il post è solo ironico.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

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In Japan, the iPhone 3G does not sell

In Giappone l'Iphone 3G non vende come sperato. Come dice un anonimo "chiedetevi perché". I giapponesi sono anni luce avanti rispetto a noi con la tecnologia. Do you think your phone now everything is being done even pay for vending machines. They have understood everything. The iPhone is a bell'oggettino to show off to friends but in terms of technology is far behind. Do not tell me you need to surf the internet as never before. What did the NTT Docomo years ago with the birth of the i-mode. Japan has been a revolution. Here we barely know what the i-mode.

Friday, August 15, 2008

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poor signal for the iphone

Many iPhone 3G users have complained about the poor signal. Very often falls on the line or not taking the signal. I already know that these are for iphonomani quisquiglie. Mica is used to call the iphone.
The problem arises from the fact that when the 3G network is too low passes automatically to the 2G. The fact is that this change is very slow and it often happens that it stays on 3G for a long period even if the signal is low or absent.
But what you want, the iPhone does not need to call mica, oh I forgot, if it takes the signal but does not even surf the internet (and not even be a satellite navigation system).

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HTC Touch

The T-Mobile announced in October that the United States launches the HTC Drea with the operating system Android, one sponsored by Google. Of course there will be a touch screen and a qwerty keyboard scompasa.

The latest mobile phone, HTC Touch Pro, on sale in July in America has already sold over a million pieces. A few days is also available in England at a cost of 515 pounds, 650 €.

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The new Iphone

Who has not seen these days on television advertising the iPhone? Today I found a new spot from Apple. Here it is in preview

Thursday, August 14, 2008

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spot network problems, the fault of the Infineon chipset

These days are multiplying as a manager who reports to AT & T. So it's an American problem that concerns Italy. Often
synchronization between network and terminal is lost, and then drops the call. According to some experts
Infineon 3G chipset would be contained in the new iPhone, because it contains a software protocol stack management as "immature." If so the problem would be much less solved by Apple, since the code change would be outside its sphere of control, but closely linked to the same chipset, so theoretically only be changed by Infineon, and not through a new firmware .
Apple still has not commented on the news.

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How to get around the block killswitch

return to talk about the little program installed without user , c ONFIRMATION from Apple and from consumer groups who have made a exposed to the data protection commissioner even threatening the withdrawal of all Iphone . The discoverer of this software, Jonathan Zdziarski, also has found a way to disable it. But beware, in doing so you lose the warranty on your phone.
"Killswitch-this is the name of the offending - it is a totalitarian government" as it defines Zdziarski. He adds, however that is not true that Apple spies on its users, or that this program is able to remove unwanted programs.
What is worse in this whole affair is not the program but that has not been made public his presence.

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Camera 2 Mega only, no flash and no zoom Iphone

the iPhone more than a cell phone than a smartphone. It 's a phone, an iPod, a navigation system, a calendar, a browser. But the camera? For some years now that we're used all the phones have a camera, large or small. We arrived in photos taken with cell phones that are able to achieve a quality comparable to that of digital cameras. Phones are now on the market with 4, 5, 8 and even 10 mega pixels (Samsung SCH-B600). The iPhone is still miserably at 2 mega pixels. But there's more: not even have zoom, no flash for taking pictures in the dark.
Again, the most basic things that make cell phones for years, and that users have used for years for the iphone are impossible things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Allergy Red Watery Bumps On The Body

improprio 032 ::: scarabocchi al telefono

description: squiggles printed materials: stamp latex obtained from the impression of a coprifornello Laboratory of Visual Communication Fashion, Politecnico di Milano)